Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Goals Recap: February 2015

Where the heck did February go?!  It hit me a few nights ago when hubby and I were calling truce on Pinch Punch because we were both under the weather that a new month was only one sleep away!  Here we go on the recap:

Went to dinner with another couple
Emceed Valentine's Day Newly Wed Game

Benjamin & Me
We had a date lunch on a Tuesday to Chuy's!
Took Valentine's Day pictures
Went to see the Beatles statues and the gorilla art around town.
February crafts including lots of stickers and painting!

House Projects
Framed the master bathroom mirror

Started doing stretches in the mornings
Started taking vitamins.  Gummy ones of course!  
Created a new calendar with birthdays and anniversaries for all sides of the family!  Each Christmas we give calendars to our grandparents and parents.  For years I have had a wonky paper system of making sure every person was included.  After last year {and the plethora of babies that were born on my side of the family!} I decided enough is enough.  We have technology for this sort of thing!  And so, a new calendar was created.  I know that it will make the entire calendar process simpler this year!

There were a few things that didn't get done like: Take Winston to buy flowers to plant in his flower box.  But that's mainly because the weather has been nasty.  Now that March is here and Spring is on its way, we will get that one knocked out!  

Anything special on your to do list for March?  Anything you are super proud that you completed in February?  Anyone else's mind blown that a quarter of the year is almost gone?!  

See how I've been doing this year:


  1. You did awesome with accomplishing your goals! I love the mirror.

  2. Good job! We have a Chuy's here and I have yet to try it but have heard amazing things!

  3. How funny, we make a calendar for my husband's side if the family every Christmas too! And I have really been wanting to frame out our hall bathroom mirror for awhile now, looks like you guys did a great job!

  4. Awww! What an awesome post! You did great with your goals last month!

  5. March showed up in a FLASH!!! So nice to here it isn't only my perception. Congrats on the stretches!!

  6. Date night and lots of family time sound like a good month to me! I really need to take advantage of technology and get organized about birthdays too.

  7. Yes, this year is going by so fast! But I'm ready for spring!!! More ice and snow headed here in dallas :/

  8. You did so awesome with accomplishing your February goals! This is a great idea..I think you've totally inspired me to start something similar haha.

  9. You did fantastic finishing your goals. I did not fair as well as you did. I just feel time is going by way too quickly.

  10. Wow! You had so many goals and accomplished so much. I am from Ohio and we are getting a Chuy's. I am so eager to try it out. I have seen so many people talk about it. I need to start creating monthly goals and actually stick to them. Way to go, girl!

  11. I really cannot believe we are almost in the middle of March already! What!?!?! Seriously, that is how I KNOW I am getting old...when time flies. I honestly can't remember much of Feb...haha Maybe almost completing the laundry room was a huge accomplishment for us because it's something we were putting off for so long.


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