Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday: Favorite Room in the House

I came across Momfessionals Show and Tell Tuesdays.  I have missed the first ones of the year but thought today would be a good time to jump in!  

Today's Show and Tell is Favorite Room in the House.  As I sit down to think about which room is my favorite, I find myself debating over this room or that.  However today I have chosen to share our craft room.  I picked this room because of the fun that I have there and the memories that are being created there!  When we built the house we chose to add this room to the floor plan.  We had accumulated quite a bit of crafting things over the years and we wanted a place where Winston and I could be creative together.  It's a long room with three windows giving it a lot of natural light.

This room is special to me because it is where Winston knows he can color, paint, play with Play-Doh and stickers, glue, imagine and create almost anything.  Last Christmas we did every single one of our Truth in the Tinsel lessons in the room.  We are doing our Lent projects in this room.  He is not only learning how to express himself through creativity but he is learning that God loves him here.  My heart loves to hear him yell, "Craft room!" as he takes off running into this space that is ours.

While the house was being built, we created a Pinterest board for the new house and started pinning like crazy!  One of the pins was a dot wall created by Oh Happy Day.  We knew that the craft room would be the perfect place for a wall like this!

Last summer we decided it was time to tackle this project.  Benjamin helped me create the dot grid and create the dot outlines.  Then the painting was left to me!
Painting the dots was the perfect activity for me to do during nap times.  It took me about 20 minutes a color.  I used a rounded brush, lots of colors and two stepping stools.  It was fun and satisfying to see the wall come together color by color!  You can read all about how we created our dot wall.
We purchased this desk for Benjamin when he was in Dental school.  It is long and wide perfect for almost any project.  In this house we have a study so it was only fitting that it found its place in our craft room!  It holds my Silhouette, our pom-poms jars and all projects that we are in the middle of working on!
My desk is not normally this clean.  In fact, most days it looks something like this...
I try to clean it off at the end of every weekend.  It helps having everything in its place at the start of the week so that we can continue to create without too much hassle of looking for this or that.

The wall just opposite of the dot wall is completely covered in cork.  We wanted a spot where Winston could display his works of art and little creations.  During one of our dreaming sessions, Benjamin said, "We could make the entire wall cork!"  And so we did!  I will tell you it took four adults and one little person to adhere the cork to the wall.  We ordered a bulk roll of cork and the glue we used is the same adhesive to lay hardwood floors.  So... there is no way that stuff is coming down.  And I'm okay with that!  
Winston enjoys making, stamping, gluing, or painting artwork to put on our board.  He will come home from school and depending what it is he has made for craft he will tell me, "On the wall!"  Up we go, we get a push pin and either he hangs it himself or points to where he wants it to stay.  We have rotated quite a bit of our artwork around to make spots for new creations.  However, he is very particular about what stays and goes!
All of our craft supplies are housed in some Elfa shelving units we purchased years ago.  Elfa never goes out of style and can always be used! We have everything from paints to pipe cleaners to sticky foam to stamps to wrapping paper accessories to blank canvases waiting to become something unique!
Winston and I made the pom-pom letters together!  I picked a font, hubby cut them out of foam board, I spray painted them yellow and then together Winston and I glued the pom-pons on.  It was a quick and easy way to add some color to the wall.

Across from the Elfa shelving is Winston's very own desk.  We had seen the super cute drawing desk at Container Store and thought it would be perfect for him to call his own.  Then we remembered we had two small shelving units and with the purchase of some roller racks and wood we could could make our own for a fraction of the cost!
We allow Winston to keep whatever he would like in the drawers.  Currently there are tons of stickers, construction paper, markers, letter stamps and crayons.  It's a perfect space for him to create or to play with Play-Doh or even the trains make it in here every once in a while! 
I love this room because of the special times that Winston and I have together in there.  Benjamin gets in on the crafty action too from time to time, but it mostly is our little space.  We have so much fun getting messy, painting our hands, laughing and learning together.   I cherish the time we spend in there and look forward to seeing what other projects we do together as the years go by!

What is your favorite room in your house?  I'd love to know!

For other little sneak peaks around the house:


  1. I love this room! What a fun and neat room! I wish I had that as a kid.

  2. I love this! The polka dot wall is amazing and I especially like that you all have gi en Winston his own space to be free and creative! So wonderful!

  3. Love this room! Such a creative space, and I love Winston's artwork covering the cork wall. Seems like a lot of fun goes on in there :)

  4. I am in LOVE with the two accent walls you have in that space! What a fun room to be in! I think my favorite room to be in is either my son's room, or our family room. :)

  5. My mouth literally dropped open when I saw that wall! HOW FUN! I love this! And I love the cork board wall! That's genius! I might have to add something similar to our new house.

  6. I am totally in love with your craft room!! I want one too! My kids would have so much painting and hanging out in a room like this. Can we have a play date? ha ha ha!! I am in Houston too! Your profile picture at NRG Stadium is really cute too. Thank you for sharing. I am totally inspired :)

  7. Oh my gosh this is FUN FUN FUN! I love it! My daughter is a huge rainbow fan and would die for a room like that :-)
    - Erin (No Bohns About It)

  8. What a fun space! I LOVE all of the dots!

  9. This room is seriously adorable! I love the walls and how it's dedicated to crafts! So fun!

  10. What a fun room!! I love the polka dots on the wall. I second you with a messy desk!

  11. Totally love the dot feature wall! And I am smitten with the pom pom Crazy sign :)

  12. I love how much color you have in that room. No detail missed! Even the outlet covers!! So much fun

  13. I love that you have a craft room!!
    That dot wall is incredible!
    I love that Winston's cute creations have a wall too :) :)

  14. This is an awesome room!! I love it! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  15. I love this!! This room is so perfect for kiddos! thanks for sharing


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