Friday, May 1, 2015

Five on Friday: 5.1.15

one \\ Winston and I were out of town last week visiting family in Pennsylvania.  Winston loves adventures that involves an airplane ride and is a great passenger.  We always have a good time catching up with great grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins!  One of my favorite parts of taking him "back home", as I call it, is doing things that I did each time I visited growing up.  Collecting eggs from the chicken coop, visiting Gardner's Candy store, eating at Long John's!  
two \\ It's been over a year since I retired from the corporate world!  I shared a tidbit of how our first year full time together has worked out!
three \\ Freddy's is my new food obsession!  Their burgers are delicious and their shoe-string fries are  everything a fry should be!  Just thinking about it makes me want to drive there now to get some....  They also have amazing frozen custard!  Winston likes his with tons o'gummy worms!  Do you have a Freddy's near you?
four \\ This weekend Benjamin and I will be attending the Hunting Art Prize Gala!  It's a fun time to get dressed a little funky-fancy, eat some fun foods and spend time together perusing art.  It's held in a great venue with flowers are always over the top and amazing works of art in themselves.  This event is a family affair for us since my parents,  brother and his wife are attending as well.  
five \\ Do you use face masks?  If the answer is yes or even no, you should probably go to your nearest Sephora and buy a few of these fun Sephora Collection Face Masks!  At $6 a piece and only 15 minutes to enjoy, they the perfect pampering item for yourself, a sweet friend who needs encouragement or for Mom!  They all smell absolutely delightful and hey, who can use 15 minutes to yourself every once in a while? 

We have a few other events this weekend, one being Tacky Prom!  I am super pumped about it!!  Our theme is Under the Sea and the ladies made some killer corsages a few night ago.  What do you have on the docket for this weekend?  Can you believe May is here already?!

Other Posts This Week:

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: DarciAprilChristina + Natasha | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife


1 comment:

  1. That’s awesome that he loves planes and is a good traveler! I am so excited to take Mason on his first plane ride when we go to Disney. So great that you guys got to go visit family. I can’t tell you how much I adore that picture of him kissing your cheek. It melts me! So sweet. We do not have a Freddy’s here…but I sure wish we did. Sounds delicious! Can’t wait to see pictures from your Tacky Prom! So fun!


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