Monday, May 4, 2015

Houston Zoobilee

Happy Monday, fabulous folks!  Our weekend was quite full of great events, one of them being the Houston Zoobilee, a members appreciation event at the Houston Zoo.  We have been zoo members for a few years now but this was our first venture out to Zoobilee.  The two-day event happens after the zoo closes for the day.  Since Benjamin teaches on Fridays just around the corner from the zoo, Winston and I drove down to meet him for this fun, new adventure!

Each kiddo was presented with a map and a passport that had five different spots to get stamps after visiting specific animals.  Winston did a great job taking his passport to the volunteers and was always proud to show us what the stamp was!
One of the stops on the Passport was the Ring-tailed Lemurs.  I have loved lemurs since I was in middle school.  Their tails are fabulous and their movements just fascinate me.  Since the weather was a little bit cooler {for Houston} and the sun wasn't beating down, all of the animals were quite active making for some great watching.
We ate dinner right next to the duck pond.  Winston loved watching the ducks swim up and would exclaim, "I see a turtle!" every time one of them popped their heads out of the water.  He is taking after his Daddy with a fascination of turtles.
For us, no visit to the zoo is complete without a stop to see the giraffes.  For this event they had the giraffe feeding open for two hours ensuring that anyone who wanted to feed the gentle creatures would have the opportunity to do so.  Benjamin had not yet fed the giraffes with Winston so together they fed Miles the Giraffe!  
All throughout the zoo there were different activities for the kiddos: coloring, music, bounce houses, mazes!  Everyone who attended was treated to a free ice cream with a cherry on top!
Our last visit was to see Jonathan the Lion and as soon as he had this massive yawn we too decided to call it a day.  It was such fun to be able to enjoy the animals after hours and soak up the beautiful evening!
As we were leaving, each kiddo was given a color book at some grrrroooovy glasses!  This is how Winston felt about his time at Zoobilee!
Thanks Houston Zoo!

1 comment:

  1. I really wish we had a zoo closer. Nearest one is about 50 minutes away. And that’s just for the okay one. The better one is over an hour! What a fun event! And I love the scavenger-hunt type thing they put on! Fun stuff. I love the Giraffe pictures! That is always one of my favorite exhibits at the zoo! Great pictures!!


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