Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016: Living with Purpose

A new year always ignites a need to start new, start fresh.  There is something wonderful about a fresh start.  I had been itching in the past months to do something to give this little space of mine a fresh face lift and thanks to the encouragement of Benjamin, reworked the design and love it!  The last time I updated our blog, Winston was about to make his debut into our world.  Seems fitting that the new design happens just before Truman joins our family too!

A little reintroduction to who I am:
I'm Sara {waving hi!}.  Married to Benjamin, my best match for over 8 years now, momma to Winston {who is three} and soon to be Truman.  We have a fur baby named Lulu.  I am an advocate for color, joy, and finding the best in every situation.  My love for and belief in Jesus shapes my every day.  I enjoy cooking for my family, shopping until I drop and curling up with a good book.  I drink coffee and Dr. Pepper but also find myself feeling responsible to set good examples for Winston so juice and water are also in the mix!  I am a homebody through and through.  Nights and weekends at home are some of my most favorite.  I love surprises {even though I'll ask for clues!} and morning times.  This is my happy space to share and document the extraordinary normal of our lives!

Preparing for Change
I'm not sure that I'll ever be prepared for any change that comes our way.  It's my human side that rebels and whines against it, that clings to what is now and known.  Yet, it is indeed coming!  Our Sunday school lesson was a great reminder to me that even though my God never changes {Malachi 3:6}, he is a God who loves to create newness and bring about change.  He creates a new world {Genesis}, through Jesus He establishes and fulfills the new covenant with His people, He speaks of a new Jerusalem {Revelation}.  

Throughout the Bible we are instructed to shake off the old and put on the new:
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17
"See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19
And then there are these verses.  These are my verses for 2016:
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!  I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'  The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." Lamentations 3:21-26
I know that God works all things together for good of those who love him.  I trust completely in His timing and plan for my life.  The fact that Truman will be joining our family at this point in time is no accident.  As much as I try to anticipate and prepare for the change that this brings to our family, it is such a comfort to know that God is already there.  That He has ordained it and really, it will be good!

The next six weeks we will be soaking up time as a family of three + Lulu.  We are intent on being present with Winston while readying our home for the arrival of Truman Ayr!  After that, anything goes!  :)
Word of the Year
This year, along with the above verses, I desire to be more purposeful with everything: time, my family, my commitments, my conversations, my friendships, my cooking, my shopping, my activities.  It's easy for me to get caught up and do things just because.  I know that I was created for a purpose: to love and obey the Lord, to go where He leads and to love others.  Keeping these things in the forefront of all that I do is my goal this year!

Hope to Dos!  
Even with the uncertainty of what our "new normal" will be, I have a few things to strive towards this year:

Read 10 books
I love reading and I picked up a few books here and there last year.  I received The Best Yes for Christmas and will be starting that this week!

Memorize 12 new scripture verses
Scripture memory was a huge part of my life in high school and college.  I draw on the ones I have hidden in my heart almost daily.  I just haven't made much of an effort in continuing that practice.  I hope to have Winston learn them along with me!

Meal Plan + Try New Food
Like my good friend Daniel Tiger says, "You gotta try new food 'cause it might taste good!"  I hope to do this fairly well for the next six weeks, get completely thrown for a loop with Newbie arrives and then sometime around the fall get back in a groove!  :)  Just trying to keep these goals realistic!  

These three things coupled with being purposeful and continuing to rely on the Lord each day should lend to an adventurous 2016!  I mean, even if none of the hope tos gets accomplished at least I can say that I learned how to survive with two kiddos!!  :)

I'd love to hear what your goals, hopes, dreams are for the year!
{photo taken by Winston!} 

Joining up today with Andrea of Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday!


  1. so glad to have met you! this is such a great post! hope you check my blog out as well!

  2. Sara! Thanks again for stopping by my blog :) I have to tell you- I absolutely LOVE your hair!! And congratulations on the impending arrival of your new baby!! I love his name!! :)

  3. Thanks for your kind words on my blog yesterday and I seriously died when I read the "you gotta try new food cuz it might taste good...." ahahaha! We have a little guy who LOVES him some Daniel Tiger!

    Have a great day,


  4. Love your MotherHOOD shir :)Too funny! Looks like we are in the same boat, with a little mister and another on the way soon!


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