Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Momfessional Moments!

Today's topic from Andrea is Momfessional Moments, a way to share and reassure others that they aren't the only ones bribing their kids with chocolates and Baskin Robbins ice cream treats making you feel normal!

Here are a few of mine:
  • We eat our fair share of McDonald's.  Like on the weekly.  There have been times when we have hit up both Mikey D's and Chick-fil-a in the same week....more than once!  
  • If I don't like it I don't cook it, buy it, make my kiddo eat it.  I'm looking at you avocado/cottage cheese/Brussel sprouts/weird veggie.
  • We eat donuts and hash browns from McDonald's every Saturday morning!
  • We totally had a car potty while we were potty training.  Yup.  I was that mom who stood outside of the car cheering on my little to sit still and pee! 
  • More times than I'd like to count have I had to re-wash the same load of laundry because I forgot it was in the washer.  
  • Sometimes Winston will wake up in the middle of the night with leg cramps.  After rubbing his legs for a while and singing a few songs if he notices I'm leaving the room he'll ask me to stay. I must confess that I have told him that I need to go to the bathroom and I'd be right back....only to go back to my own comfy pillow!  
  • Jammie days are on the regular around here.  Just love them to pieces.  They are a great day to catch up on stuff around the house while the Little watches shows.  
  • Speaking of shows, there have been times when we have watched Handy Manny, Thomas the Train, Octonauts one to many times so they "need to take a rest for a while!" 
  • There are nights when we drive to Baskin Robbins for a sweet treat before we eat dinner!

Isn't it great that yet in spite of or because of all of these things we are creating memories for ourselves and our littles?  Or at the very least giving them some great stories to tell when they get older!    What are some of your momfessionals?


  1. I'm totally on your page about "if I don't like it, I don't cook it"! Also, I totally drove around with a toddler potty in the back of my car when my oldest was potty training! Do whatcha gotta do!

  2. I too am guilty of rewashing the same load of laundry...recently like 3 or 4 times. Yeah. Not my greatest week! Haha! And now, I am craving hash browns and donuts :) Thanks for that!


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