Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Christmas Books

I love bringing out holiday books from our collection at the start of each new season.  It breaks up the routine of what we read at bed time.  We get to enjoy some of our favorites and since I'm always adding to the collection, have some new ones to add to the round up too!  

I love this book as much as the original that I share about here.  I have fond memories of reading this book at Christmastime with my brother growing up.  I haven't yet given this to the boys but can't wait to see their excitement as we read through the letters that the Postman delivers to the fairytale story friends!

I saw The Silent Noisy Night at Walmart and knew it had to come home with me.  The title resonated me and the art work caught my eye.  Plus I appreciate when the baby Jesus is drawn to reflect his Middle Eastern heritage.  This book looks at the first Christmas through the scope of joyous celebration!

We are huge fans of the Construction Site books so when I saw Construction Site on Christmas Night I knew it would be an instant favorite for our family.  The buddies request this nightly.

The Christmas Promise is the telling of the story of Christmas and how God sends to us a new King.  But not just any King, a rescuing King; a forever King.  I love this book because it gives another way of celebrating the birth of Jesus.  

Presents Through the Window is a funny little book where Santa peeps through the windows of each home to leave a gift for who he sees.  But is who he sees really who lives in the house?  We get such a kick out of Santa's silliness each time we read this book!  And as in any good book, everything works out in the end!  

I'm always on the look out for new books to add to our collection.  Tell me, what are some of your family's holiday favorites?  

PS - This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. We love Construction Site on Christmas Night, too! The fact that they added in fire trucks to the construction site made Fletcher's Day. It might be our favorite one in the series. All of your other favorites are new to me. Thanks for the introduction :)

    1. It was awesome that they added the Firetrucks! I wonder if there will be another one with them?! How great would that be? Glad to hear there were some newbies for you! Have a great weekend!


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