Monday, December 3, 2018

Here We Come, Santa Claus!

Every November I get very excited because I know that Christmas is right around the corner.  I start I shopping the holiday sections on H&M, Boden, Hanna Anderson and Tom's for coordinating outfits for the buddies.  I live for all the themed clothing!  I also start planning out some of our favorite Christmas activities.  On the top of that list is visiting Santa Claus!  Each year since Winston's first visit, we always go to Market Street so that we can visit the Man in Red.  

Historically we have gone during the week on a day when the boys were not in school, but with Winston going five days a week we had to change up our strategy a bit.  We chose to go on one of the days when he was out the week of Thanksgiving.  We did however keep our game plan to be the first one there when the doors opened!  And we were thankful we were!  By the time we were all done, the line was out the door!  Santa was going to have a busy day.  

Truman was a little unsure about meeting Santa this year.  Since we were there right at the opening, he saw Santa arrive and got excited, giving a little wave!  He told Santa that he wanted a white dragon to snuggle with in bed and a white Christmas tree. 😍 Winston's list included a blue VTech watch, a green lantern puncher and Legos.
Seeing Santa every year is one of my favorite traditions {yes, I know - I probably say that about all the traditions! 😂}.  I love the coordinating outfits, the discussions of what they're going to ask Santa for, the anticipation and excitement of climbing up on his knee.  Even I give Santa a little wave and wish him a very Merry Christmas!  

This is their picture from last year - it's crazy to see how much they've grown in the past 12 months.  

Sara's Pro Tips for Visiting Santa
  • Check out the dates and hours of Santa's visits when he's in town.  Our favorite place is The Woodlands Market Street.  They always have that fabulous green chair and amazing backdrops.
  • Get there early!  We always plan to be there about 10 minutes before Santa arrives from the North Pole.  This guarantees Santa is fresh for the day and you + the kiddos won't have to wait in a long line.
  • Pick a place that invites the same Santa back to visit each year.  It keeps that magic alive!
This crew had a fun time visiting Santa and asking about Rudolph and the elves.  We look forward to our visit next year!  


  1. Oh those sweet boys!! I love the photos. And this is also one of my favorite traditions. I'm so glad that Mason still believes. I will keep the magic alive as long as I can.

  2. These are great Santa pics - your boys are cute as can be. We always went to the Santa at Memorial City, and he had a similar green chair. Have a great weekend!


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