Tuesday, February 5, 2019

100 Days of Kindergarten

Around here schools make a big to-do for the 100th day of Kindergarten.  I think it's because they have a goal to teach each student how to count to 100, but don't quote me on that! 😂  Winston came home with the task of making a shirt that contained one hundred items on it.  It could be anything he wanted just not anything too heavy as he would be wearing the shirt all day at school.  

Winston threw out so many options: dinosaurs, air planes, pom poms, Lego bricks.  We finally landed on monsters with 100 googly eyes!  I went to Hobby Lobby where I bought a shirts in a few different colors {including one for Truman!}, googly eyes in all shapes, sizes and colors, a 20 pack of puff paint and a tube of E6000 glue.  

To set up, I sliced one of our many Amazon boxes in pieces and put a piece in each shirt to prevent the two sides sticking together once we decorating started!

And then I set them loose!  Truman loved squirting blobs and lines all over his shirt.  He was so proud!  Winston told me where exactly he wanted the googly eyes to be placed and I helped him glue them.  His main job was decorating and accessorizing all of the monsters.  
 We counted by ones, we counted by 10's.  We counted to 100 over and over and over again.  #weareprosnow 😂
It's hard to pick a favorite monster, but I do love the one at the bottom with the gold tooth!  This was such a fun project; it was a fabulous way to Winston to express his creativity.
On the day of his schools celebration, Winston was all about making monster hands and roars!  😂
He was so proud of the shirt that he made!
Truman and I went to Winston's class to be a part of the 100 Days celebration!  Truman wore the shirt he made and stayed quite close to Winston the entire time.  Winston was precious in making sure that Truman was included in the games too.
In the 100 days that Winston has been in Kindergarten he has:
mastered counting to 100
crushed his sight words
started reading books
improved his handwriting skills
improved his drawing skills
started writing sentences to create stories
expanded his amazing imagination
had his love for technology nurtured
learned new outdoor and indoor games
won an Snyder Stallions award for generosity
I'm so proud of Winston!  He is doing so well and each day I am thankful to God that I get to be a part of this little guy's life.  It is such a privilege to be a part of his team!


  1. What a fun craft to do with your son. I can't wait to do something like this with my girls.

  2. That is such a fun idea!! Great job Winston. I love how his monsters turned out and I love that Truman got to join in the fun. It's hard to be the little brother when kindergarten is doing such fun things. We've been counting to 100 a lot here, too :) Olive was thrilled to dress up as a 100 year old grandma for her 100th day. It was so cute!


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