Monday, February 4, 2019

Weekend Recap: One on One Time with The Buddies

This weekend we had nothing on the calendar and it was glorious!
Both Friday and Saturday nights the buddies were in bed so that when the clock turned 8 PM, Benjamin and I were already snuggled down.  I think I was asleep by 9:15 both evenings!  #oldladystatus

We spent the most of Saturday in our jammies.  After nap, I told Winston we were going to Uncle Julio's for dinner {as was the plan} but once we mentioned it to Truman he had no desire to go.  He had been feeling under the weather and completely understood his desire to stay in.  Winston was wanting some chicken tender tacos and Truman wanted grilled cheese.  So we divided with Benjamin staying with Trumy and I headed out with Winston Ace.

At Uncle Julio's we were seated in a two person booth which Winston thought was so adorable! 😂
I had thought of a few questions to ask Winston and this was one of my favorites:

Me: What makes you happy?
WAC: Building and playing Legos!
Me: You know what makes me happy?
WAC: Me!! 
My other favorite question, that then took over the evening was: 
If you could rename any color, what would you call it?
Here's what we came up with:

Purple - Burple
Red - I Lava You
White - Fluffy Cotton Ball
Black - Outer Space I'm Looking at You
Green - Shining Down on a Lawn Full of Grass
Silver - Robot Skin
Grey - Can of Bolts
Pink - Bubblegum
Orange - Sun Rays on My Skin
Gold - Treasure, Arg
and our very favorite that made us giggle
Yellow - Pee in the Snow 😂
 We made a stop at Target for a few things and somehow a few minifigure mystery packs ended up in the cart for us to share with Daddy and Truman at home.

Speaking of Daddy and Truman, the two of them did all of the puzzles multiple times.  Puzzles are one of Truman's very favorite things!  When Benjamin asked Tru what he wanted to do next he confidently answered, "Make brownies!"
And so they did!
They had their grilled cheese and also watched a little big of Cars at Truman's request.  
It was such a good night for all of us.  Our kiddos, while they love being together, also really cherish one on one time with us.  I look forward to having more of these types of evenings!
What are some ways that you spend intentional one on one time with each of your kids?

Linking up with Hello Monday with Lindsay and Weekending with B Loved Boston


  1. Ah! I love a good weekend in jammies! It was finally warm enough here to not be in jammies, but that's all I did last weekend!

  2. Fun! I just had a girls weekend since my husband was skiing - we had a great time! We got our hair done together, then saw a sneak preview of the How to Train Your Dragon movie, and hung out just the two of us. It was great!

  3. That is so great that you had some one on one time with your boys. And what a great idea to come up with some questions to talk about ahead of time. We have nothing on the calendar next weekend, and I can't wait! Hope you have a wonderful week, and thanks for linking up with Hello Monday!

  4. renaming the colors is such a cute idea. My girls would love that game.

  5. What a fun outing! I'm laughing bc I totally thought the boys had an Uncle Julio! I've never heard of that restaurant. haha Sounds like both guys enjoyed having some alone time. Thanks for the reminder to squeeze in some solo kid outings when we can.


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