Monday, February 25, 2019

February 2019 Book Review

I started out going gangbusters with reading this month and then I hit a snag.  A book came available that I had on my hold list.  Disappointedly, I disliked it instantly.  I thought maybe I'd change my mind by chapter two.  No luck.  And so I did something I rarely ever do.  
I stopped reading it.  😱😂  
I needed a few days break and then started up again!  

February Books
I remember the first time I watched Star Wars.  It was on our blue and white check couch in our house on Barry Lane and I had to have been in middle school.  I watched them with my Dad.  The original three will always be my favorite.  When this book popped up as an option to borrow, I thought, "Why not?"  I will recommend you read this if you are a Star Wars fan.  If not, I suggest you scroll down for a different book to read!

This historical fiction is about the love story Ernest Hemingway and his first wife Hadley.  While most of the details around their marriage, their adventures in Paris and abroad are true the dialogue is fictional.  I learned quite a bit about Hemingway and the other eccentric artists who were characters in their Parisian life as I did a lot of googling and wikipedia reading! 😂 

🌟Everybody, Always by Bob Goff 🌟
I have read Bob's first book Love Does twice.  Benjamin and I heard Bob speak at a local church and he told one of the stories he writes about in Everybody, Always.  After reading the chapters of this book I leave feeling encouraged and challenged to love everybody, always.  One of my favorite chapters talked about how some relationships are made three minutes at a time.  This was a good reminder to me that no kindness is too small or insignificant.  Plus throughout the book Bob drops wisdom such as:
"Faith isn't a business trip walked on a sidewalk; it's an adventure worked out in a steep and sometimes difficult trail."
"People don't grow where they're planted; they grow where they're loved."  {Can I get an amen?!}
"Balloons are an internationally understood code for celebration, joy, welcome, acceptance and love." 😍

The Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery
I purchased this book at L.M. Montgomery's birthplace on Prince Edward Island last summer.  It has been sitting on my night stand ever since.  After my disappointment with the Book That I Quit, I needed something that I knew I'd enjoy and that would be light hearted.  This fit the bill!  This book follows a gaggle of children through their summer adventures on PEI.  If you like books such as Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, Heidi, etc, then this one is for you.

Let me know if you pick up or add one of these books to your reading list!
Happy Monday!

Linking up with Hello Monday with Lindsay Tanya, Heather and Johannah


  1. I'm so glad you posted this. I've wanted to read the Bob Goff books forever, and I'm leaving your site right now to go put them in my Amazon shopping cart! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  2. Good reads! I loved Love Does and Everybody Always. That's so fun that you were able to see Bob Goff speak. SO cool. That line about friendships being made 3 minutes at a time really stuck with me, too. It was a good reminder that all those little things add up to investments in your relationships. Your last book, The Story Girl, reminded me of a children's book series called The Penderwicks. I used to read it to my 3rd graders. We all loved the book and there is a series of three or four books. All that to say - you might want to check them out for a similar, light hearted read :)


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