Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What's Up Wednesday Feb 2019

Second month to post a WuW, I feel like I'm on a roll! 😂

What We're Eating This Week
Well this week's planning went to pot when Benjamin and I both got a case of the stomach bug.  We've eaten a lot of toast, noodle soup and crackers so far!  Tonight we are having toasted ravioli.  Friday is date night {woo hoo!!}.

What I'm Reminiscing About
Truman turned 3 this month!  We celebrated with a dinner out to his favorite Uncle Julio's and a shark party at Kanga's play place!

What I'm Loving
After a good dose of encouragement 😂 Benjamin headed to our storage unit to get our Wii!
The buddies have loved playing the games!  Bowling, baseball and Mariocart are the current family favorites!

We have made a new family rule in order to keep a little balance in our routine - Winston has to read out loud for 15 minutes each night and he then can play video games.

What We've Been Up To
This month we:
had one on one time with the buddies
 went to Monster Jam
made Valentines for our friends
celebrated our January memory verse with ice cream
went to the movies! 
 ate a HUGE dessert
 and played at the arcade!

What I'm Dreading
I'm not sure if it's dread, but I really am flabbergasted at how fast this year has gone so far.  I feel like I blinked twice and we're almost done with the first quarter! 😭

What I'm Working On
Would you believe it if I said summer vacation plans?!  I don't want to rush the year by, but I love summer vacation!  

I have it on my list to clean out our playdoh cart today.  Right now it's an overflowing beastly mess.  I'm coming for you Mess.  😂

I've also been working on keeping my reading a bit more balanced.  I spent a lot of time reading in January and it hit me: if I can find this much time to read for enjoyment, then I know I have time to read my Bible.  So February was about starting to balance out my reading times.

What I'm Excited About
March is my birthday month!  No matter how old I get, I love celebrating my birthday.  It's good to celebrate another year and all that it contained.

What I'm Reading & Watching
I posted up what I read in February this week.  Yesterday two books I've been in the hold queue for came available so I've got some reading to do! 

Benjamin and I started rewatching 
We've pretty much caught up to all of the funny shows we watch and just needed something lighthearted.  I was cooking dinner this weekend and made a "hot ham water" reference that made us both laugh and then say, "Yup, we need to rewatch these!"
Have you ever watched Arrested Development?  

What I'm Listening To
The Lego Move 2 Soundtrack has been playing on repeat since watching it in the theater!  I've always been a sucker for a good movie soundtrack and this one does not disappoint.

What I'm Wearing
This week has been a lot of pajamas!  😂  

What We're Doing This Weekend
This weekend is a free weekend for us in the sense that we have no commitments!  {Woo hoo!}  Benjamin and I look forward to these weekends where we can laze about with the buddies on Saturday - with all the possibilities to do anything or nothing!  

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
Our Spring Break is in March and the buddies and I are all looking forward to the break from routine!  Spring Break is a busy time for Benjamin as a lot of parents take advantage of the kids being off of school and use it to schedule all the appointments.  So while he is busy working, the buddies and I will be traveling back to PA with Mom!

What Else is New
Not much else.

What is your favorite board game to play with your kids?
I wrote this post on our favorite board games a little while ago, but all of it still stands true!
Tell me what your favorites are!

I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday; the weekend is almost here!

1 comment:

  1. Yes - watched and loved Arrested Development. It's so quirky! We make Buster jokes all the time. Looks like a fun month! We are starting to talk about Spring Break and Summer plans, too. Makes me excited for warmer weather :)


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