Sunday, January 9, 2011

Project 52: Week 1

I came across a lot of people who were part of the 365 project in 2010 and it intrigued me.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love taking photos.  Our lives are currently backed-up and organized in multiple hard drives.  My sweet husband told me that he would by 100 hard drives to store our memories as long as I feel like I want to take pictures of anything and everything.

And so I do.

What I am not great at is taking pictures every day.  And to be honest, I think if I started out doing the 365 project and then skipped a day, I would get sad and just stop.  So my husband, in all of his wisdom, said that I should call this my Project 52 - 52 weeks of pictures.  That I can do.

So in all of it's glory, here is the first week of the year in photos!

Clockwise:  Benjamin in my cookie monster hat being just that...a cookie monster.  Lulu observing Rock Band awesomeness.  Andrew ripped his shirt on Monday.  Fabulous cupcake for product training from Cambria Cove.  Lulu and her fancy collar and tags.  Noah, Salem, me and Benjamin at ICE!

Are you a more of a Project 365 or a Project 52 person?

1 comment :

  1. I think this has to be one of the greatest ideas as I too would so not be able to remember each and every day. Plus I love the cookie monster hat:) LOVE LOVE LOVE your pics lady. You guys always look like you have so much fun! Congrats again to Ben and cannot wait to continue to see what your lives have in store:) PS I love the lulu pics too:)


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