Friday, April 1, 2011

Feeling Great at 28!

The past two weeks have been sprinkled with delight celebrations of my 28th birthday.  It started when Mom was here visiting for Salem's bridal shower. We spent the weekend shopping and enjoying each others company.  Thanks Mom!

For about a year now, I have been talking about how I wanted to celebrate my 28th birthday with a karaoke party.
One thing you should know, dear reader, is that I adore music.
And I love singing.
I sing in the shower, loudly.
I make up songs and dance around the house.
I am that person you see beside you at the red light singing her heart out at the top of her lungs with gusto.
I have no qualms about busting into song mid-sentance...even in meetings or at the office.

In saying all of that, my dear husband, loving me with every crazy song that I sing, threw me a karaoke party!  Complete with cookie cake, sweet friends and 5 hours of singing.

Your eyes did not fail you or glaze over.  That's right, 5 hours... 5 hours of belting some of the best tunes of all time out into the open!  Everyone who came out sang and that was one of the best gifts!

 The Skinners getting seriously focused on giving their audience a good performance!
 The Echols love to sing... especially Danny!
 Thanks for the cookie cake Love!
 CMoney and the tambourine!  
 Smiles from the Blairs and scozy.
 My husband loves and understands me.  He is more than I could ask for!

Belting out some ABBA!
Thank you my fabulous husband for the best birthday party of my adult life!  
More photos can be viewed on facebook!

The celebrations continued at work on Monday with a deliciously bright cake from my fabulous call center team and a fun surprise from The Client!

Thanks to my co-workers, I was shown much love at work on Thursday with a homemade lunch from my call center lovelies, desk decorations, cupcakes, cards, candy and a Starbuck's cake pop!
Note: my desk looks like it is in chaos most of the time anyway....why not add a few streamers?!   

Once home, Benjamin took me out for a delicious meal and then I spent the evening chilling on the couch with him and Lubaby.  The perfect ending to a fantastic week of celebrations!

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed in making turning 28 above and beyond great!


  1. What a fun party!!! I love Karaoke!!

  2. Sara - You did have a karaoke party! They do this all the time in China. I see you did it for 5 hours...sometimes people here will do it for 9 hours STRAIGHT, and then they lose their voice the next day. You would fit right in here ;-)


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