Monday, August 20, 2012

Give a Penny, Take a Penny: Hospital Bag

After some consideration, I'm trying out a new segment that I will call Give a Penny, Take a Penny.  GAP TAP for short.  Based off of the phrase, "A penny for your thoughts..." I'll throw out a topic where I would like you to offer up advice or comments on your experience or the experience of others you know.  Feel free to give a penny or even perhaps learn something new and take a penny! 

Here we go:

When it comes to the hospital bag, what was the most useful item that you took along with you that you thought, "Man!  I am so thankful I have this!"  And in saying that, was there something that your significant other was thankful to have?

..aaand go.
Much love,


  1. We were very thankful to have our own music (ipod, phone, bose system, etc.)--Stephen loved having a pillow because the beds were awful.

    And just because I can NEVER only throw 2 cents out there...most of the stuff I packed I never used. Cute robe/nightgown you can BF in, cute house shoes to walk around in, camera and toiletries and and you should be set!

  2. A nightgown/robe you are comfortable for friends and family see you in. And you own pillow!

    I had a c section, so the next time I will have medical adhesive remover! The tape from the catheter and the bandage was painful coming off the second day!

    I agree with Katie on the camera and toiletries too!

  3. nursing tanks, Boppy and house shoes/robe. Those were the most useful things I had with me. I didn't use 99% of the other things I brought. Definitely a camera. I would recommend playing cards also. Trey and I wished we had some of those at one point.

    1. Remember your baby book for print and signatures. And snacks. Life giving is famishing!

  4. First you need a sharpie. Not black, but a unique color like teal or magenta. You have to sign the baby immediately, and preferably make a secondary mark in a more discreet location, to identify your baby. I hear those baby nurses play the old switcheroo just for kicks...

    Also, for future reference, when expecting a girl it's always a good idea to bring your own ear-piercing kit. The doctors have the equipment, but they get all judgmental. However you get it done, just do it so that your baby can look fancy in those first pictures.

  5. Thanks everyone!! I LOVE the suggestions! They are super helpful and have given us a good list to make sure we have packed and put together.

  6. Take your own pillow!!! My water broke with Ave two weeks early and I hadn't packed my bag yet so I just threw everything together! The one thing I really wished I had packed was my pillow!!!! Also, your camera of course! :)

  7. My Brestfriend and Depends. Yes, the depends is a weird one, but they are way better than the mesh undies and rediculous pad they give you. I got a free sample of the Depends Silhouette kind from Target and took those - I highly recommend. (And, of course, the nursing tanks/Pjs that others recommended).

  8. I agree with all of the above. Definitely take your own pillow, and make sure it's a colorful pillowcase, not a white one. And I brought my own towel. I know that sounds weird, but I didn't like the teeny tiny scratchy white hospital towels. It was so nice to have my big soft oversized towel, especially since I was there Wednesday night through Sunday morning because of my c-section.


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