Thursday, August 1, 2013

Baby Muffins

First of all, just a little disclaimer: These are muffins made for babies, not from babies.  

When it comes to recipes I stick to exact directions and measurements even after making something dozens of times, rarely stray from the classic I've grown to love.  

On Friday I spent some time during Winston's morning nap doing some reading up on ideas of things to feed an eight - ten month old.  I came across the simplest recipe ever for little baby muffins!  All you need is a banana and oat flour!

I thought to myself, anyone cal do this, even me!  I added banana to my grocery list and headed out.  When Winston went down for his nap, I found myself in the kitchen eager to whip up some new yummies for baby.  Then I went to get out my oat flour and realized... I didn't have oat flour!  I did however, how some rolled oats.  So I took out my Pampered Chef Baker's Roller and went to town creating oat flour!  Y'all, I was so proud of myself that I actually improvised and created a new something out of an existed something!

Once I was happy with my product, I added the banana, scooped the mixture into my mini muffin pan and baked them for 10 minutes!  My oven produced a delicious little treat that even Benjamin thought was tasty!
1 banana
1/2 cup of oat flour {can be gluten free if need be!}
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

Preheat oven to 350
Blend all ingredients together.
Spray mini muffin tin with Pam.
Spoon mixture into muffin pan.
Bake for 10 minutes

You can also use this same mixture to create baby pancakes as well!

Recipe found at tiny sneakers via pinterest.

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