Friday, November 6, 2015

Five Things for Friday: 11.06

If it seems like it has been months since you've seen a Five on Friday post from me, you'd be spot on. I took a blogging break over the summer and am now feeling like I'm ready to jump back in here and there.  With Truman's arrival in the coming months, I feel like I want to do more to document our normal everyday as a family of three as we get ready to be a family of four!
one || This stomp rocket.  If you have a little that is 3 years or older, this needs to be on your Christmas list for them this year!  Winston received this as a birthday gift this year.  I normally bring out one or two new toys every week or two in order to keep the excitement alive.  This week, we opened the Stomp Rocket Jr. and have been all about it!  The first night we managed to get one stuck on our roof and shoot the other three into our neighbor's yard!  After a secret mission to retrieve them, the fun kept on!  
I have to say, Benjamin and I even get a kick out of seeing how high we can make the rocket fly!  There is also a size for bigger kids.  
two || Winston had his very first dental check up this week!  Benjamin came along which was super sweet.  There must be something, as a dental professional, about being there for your kiddo's first appointment!  We went to Wheeler Pediatric Dentistry and I was impressed with how sweet and personable each of the staff that interacted with Winston was.  They made him feel comfortable and did an excellent job walking him through each step of the process.  Winston did a fantastic job when they took the x-rays and I was amazed that he was still as they brushed and flossed his little teeth!  His favorite parts were getting checked by Dr. Wheeler and getting his stickers!  
three || It's time to get excited about Christmas!  And all of the adorable Christmas jammies!  I love a kid in a cute set of jammies!  Here are a few of my favorite Christmas jammies:

And to not be overlooked, Thanksgiving jammies too!  Thanksgiving Turkeys
four || This week I also had an appointment to check in on Truman.  Heartbeat is great and we are measuring a week or so ahead which equates to nothing really other than he is a healthy size!  I am to the point where I can feel when Truman is active with his twists, turns and kicks.  Winston gets a thrill out of putting his little hand on my belly and his eyes light up when he feels Truman move.  It's not uncommon for my midsection to get two or three hugs a day followed by his sweet voice saying, "Oh baby, I love you!"  All the melting with love hearts you can find for his mama!
five || I'll leave you with these two adorable littles in their Halloween costumes!  We watched my niece on Halloween night and had a fun time taking these two around the neighborhood trick or treating!  

We will be spending Saturday morning at the JDRF walk in The Woodlands and doing a pre-hanging of all the decorations for our church's Hanging of the Green ceremony in a few weeks.  It's supposed to be a dreary and wet weekend so I am positive we will have time for snuggles and movie watching too!  Happy weekend to you!

Other Posts This Week:

Linking up today with 5 on Friday:April | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife | Friday Favorites: Momfessionals


  1. The stomp rocket is SO Cool!!! YAY for Christmas! Glad you are feeling well! Hope you had a great time at the Walk this morning!!

    1. Thank you so much! It poured the rain on and off but we still had a fun time in between! :)


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