Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Our Baby Shark is Three

It has happened.  The baby in our family keeps growing up and getting older!  Today Truman turns three!

Truman is a little spitfire that is full of love and curiosity.  It has been a true adventure and delight to see Truman develop and grow this past year.  At first he was a bit quieter than Winston, taking it all in and speaking a little here and there.  Then boom! this summer Truman found his voice and there was no going back!  He gets a kick out of telling knock knock jokes, he imagines big things as he plays with his toys and without hesitation will let you know just what it is he wants to do.  😂 
Truman is brave and fearless.  He wants to try everything that Winston does and keeps up quite well.  Winston is such a sweet encourager to Truman cheering him on when he needs it, comforting him when he's upset and making him laugh constantly.  Because of this example that Winston has been to him, Truman is quick to do all the same to his big brother.
Truman will tell you that he loves the colors orange and blue.  His favorite animal is sharks.  Truman loves monster trucks and asks to wear his monster truck shirt every week.  Truman loves playing with Lego sets.  Playing with play-doh is daily occurrence.  Give Truman a puzzle and he is a happy kiddo.  Truman is my Taco Bell buddy and loves lemonade.  We check the weather every morning as we eat our breakfast and talk about our day.  Truman still sleeps with his favorite Moo Moo and orange blankee.  He loves to take naps in my bed and how can I say no?  A sleeping Truman is one of my most favorite things.  
Truman is a little trickster; he loves to play hide and seek and is frequently heard shouting "BOO!" as he jumps out from behind things around the house.  Truman is a strong-willed little guy.  If he doesn't want to do something or conversely wants to do something he can't do, Betsy bar the door.  We are learning together how to navigate the times when he breaks down and refuses to give in to what we are asking him to do {brush his teeth, put on his shoes, eat two more bites of chicken, let's take a family picture}.  We've had a lot of tears and a lot of cuddles.  It is getting better as he continues to understand consequences and rational reasoning.  
Some of Truman's favorite songs to sing include: the entire Lego Move 2 soundtrack, Fireball by Pitbull, Natural by Imagine Dragons, Bicycle by Queen and anything by The Donut Man. 😂 He loves our Saturday morning donut routine, picking out Benjamin's socks for him and asking me to hold his hand.

Truman, you are such a delight and a joy to our hearts!  I pray that you know how loved and special you are.  I pray that you will always keep your sensitive spirit towards others.  I hope that twinkle in your eye stays there as you keep learning and growing.  
Happy Birthday Trumy!


  1. Happy Birthday! That's a great mural you found for his pictures!

  2. What a cutie!! That boys knows what he likes :) He's got so much personality!


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