Thursday, March 28, 2019

Family Scripture Memory Verse: Psalm 118:24

After a phone call with Benjamin where he encouraged the boys to rejoice in the day, it was decided that Psalm 118:24 would be our March family verse.

 "This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad it in!"  - Psalm 118:24 
When we shared it with the boys and then listened to the song we would be using this month, Truman proudly declared, "I know this one!  We sing it at my school!" and then proceeded to sing along with gusto!  😍 

Breaking away from Seeds this month and in the name of broadening the boys musical repertoire, I chose This is the Day by Fred Hammond.  I love a good gospel song!

Instead of doing a craft this month, I focused on having discussions with the boys about the verse.  I asked them the following questions:

Who creates the new day?
What other things did God create?
What does it mean to rejoice?
What can you be glad for today? {This one I was intentional about asking each day}

We talked about how even though we may have rough patches in each day, there is good in every day because God created it!  {And even those rough patches can teach up good things.}  I reminded them that it's important to think about the good things that happened and thank God for them.

So far we are two for two on celebrating with ice cream and I have a good feeling about this month too! 😁

1 comment :

  1. "This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad it in!" ,like this sentence.Hope to be happy every day


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