Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What's Up Wednesday March 2019

What's Up Wednesday Graphic
Here we go for a March update!

What We're Eating This Week
This week we're going to have Meat & Rice, chicken fries with mac & cheese and our favorite toasted ravioli!

What I'm Reminiscing About
Our Spring Break!  We went back to Pennsylvania to visit family and take a quick overnight to Cook's Forest and Clear Creek.  It's one of my favorite places in the world.  😍

What I'm Loving
Going to bed. 😂
Grocery pick up.
This amazing patio weather we've been having.
Dr. Pepper with Vanilla from Sonic
Low key evenings with my boys.
Text messages from Winston {via Benjamin} - He tells us what to write and it's so precious!  Then he picks all of the emojis!

What We've Been Up To
This month we... lots of books...
 ...took lots of naps...
 ...cooked lots of dinners...
 ...had lots of downtime and snuggles...
... and picked out new slippers!
Winston got a haircut...
 ...and Benjamin and I ate half of this King Cake in one sitting after the kids went to bed.  😂
We traveled home for Spring Break where we...
...ate giant sized small ice cream cones...
...and played outside in the snow and dirt.
We got to cuddle some peeps with our cousins.
Winston & Truman had a sleepover in Winston's room and surprised us with how good they did!
We had our first night of water balloons... with science experiments...
...and the first dip in the pool hot tub!

What I'm Dreading
How quickly summer break is coming!  Not because I don't love summer break, because I do and I cannot wait for it!  ...It's just that I have so much I would like to do before the buds are out of school and we leave for our summer vacation.  
I either get super productive or shut down and curl up under the covers to avoid what is needed... so far I've been able to keep up up my productivity!

What I'm Working On
Cleaning out the closets!  I had both the buddies try on all of their shorts and short sleeved shirts to see what still fit and what they had grown out of.  Truman was rewarded with an M&M for every item he tried on and Winston got to build a Lego! 😂

Now it's time for me to clean out my clothes, the pantry and a few other places that just collect stuff.  I started with a cabinet in our bathroom.  
Here's the before.
YIKES.  #openatyourownrisk
And now the after...
It was amazing how many things I found in there!  It feels so much better to have everything organized and in their proper places.  And don't worry - we have more than one towel, the others are hanging up because they were used!  😂

What I'm Excited About
Singing Karaoke this Friday!!  I'm so PUMPED!  The last time we went singing karaoke was in 2011... and it's something we take very seriously! 
 If you were to go sing at Karaoke, what song would you choose?

What I'm Reading & Watching
I posted up what I read in March this week.  I have one my Kindle that I've started and am enjoying and another I received as a gift for Christmas.

Image result for whiskey cavalier
Benjamin and I started watching ABC's newest spy show.  I highly recommend if you're looking for something light-hearted, a little comedic and a little romantic!

What I'm Listening To
In an effort to expand Winston and Truman's musical repertoire, we have been listening to gospel, the Beatles and a few songs from musicals! 

What I'm Wearing
This one gets me each month... I never know what to put!
Clothes. 😂

What We're Doing This Weekend
Other than our karaoke plans, we have nothing which is amazing!  I mean, my birthday is on Sunday and I have two tiny humans who love a good reason for a cake!  I'm betting I have one of those in my future! 😉

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
I love celebrating Easter.  I love egg hunts and putting together Easter baskets.  But more than that I love celebrating the day that my Savior conquered death!

What Else is New
Benjamin's practice was awarded The Best Orthodontist of The Woodlands for the ninth year in a row!  I am so proud of our amazing team; they work hard to take care of the patients and have fun while they do it!

This month's bonus question is What is your favorite Easter side dish?
Mine would be carrot souffle!  

Here's a few other things from this month:

Happy Wednesday!!

1 comment :

  1. Happy early birthday! That ice cream cone looks incredible!


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