Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Currently, I have a little anxiety and a whole lot of excitement when I think about how quickly the end of school will be upon us!  We're entering the zone of all the end of year things: field trips, Kinder graduation pictures, field day, school carnival!  And then it's summer and I'm super pumped up about what we're going to get up to!

Another year of life!  😀
My birthday was last weekend and I had a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends.  We had a get together at a karaoke place in town.  I was just so stinking thankful that so many people came - they all had to get babysitters and drive into Houston on a Friday night, which can be no easy thing!  I am so thankful for the friends that we have and the encouragement they are to me.  I'm also so grateful that my family is close by in this season of life to celebrate too!

Wish Listing
A visit with these adorable creatures ðŸ˜‚
A pair of these sparkly Pons sandals
One of these very colorful bracelets

Yesterday I posted my Amazon purchases post!
I'm working on a post about the trip to Prince Edward Island that I took with my mom last summer!

What to do for today! 😂 I have a few things that I could/should get done but I love lazy mornings at home with little Truman.  I'm sure I'll get it together and cross one or two things off the list!

Happy Wednesday to you!  What is something on your wish list?

Today I'm linking up with Anne.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Glad it was a good one.


  2. Lazy mornings at home are the best! Happy Birthday! Mine was a couple of Sundays ago.

  3. Happy belated birthday! The last few months of school always fly by!


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