Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday Favorites

Monday was April 1st and a cold front came through our area and after a beautiful weekend of birthday celebrations, it was a shock to the system! πŸ˜‚
On Monday I decided enough was enough and cleaned out the pantry.
Here's an in progress photo...
I had three containers of vegetable oil.  THREE.  Two of them were unopened and one was only half used.  Who needs three vegetable oil?! πŸ˜‚
Truman was such a good buddy to help me with the smashing of the boxes for recycling.
And for the after...
While it's not perfect, it is WAY more manageable and we're not holding things in while closing the door lightening fast! πŸ˜‚

Then, not even 30 minutes after having cleaned my pantry I received this email from Container Store.
Haha!  It was confirmed through some friends that they too received the same email.  I just made me giggle more than anything!

After school the buddies each played with their favorite things: Lego set for Winston and Play-doh for Truman.  

I had the opportunity to hang out with my favorite {and only!} nephew, Baby Graham!
I was telling my sister in law that I imagine that no matter how old he gets, he will be called Baby Graham!

We ate our favorite flavors at our favorite ice cream place in celebration of learning our March family memory verse!

Truman and I did some shopping where he wore all his favorite things: monster truck shirt, one shark slipper and one lightening McQueen slipper!  #heownsit πŸ˜‚  And of course Brodozer came along for the excursion.

We ate dinner at Olive Garden where we munched down on our favorite breadsticks {I mean, who doesn't like OG breadsticks?!} and one massive chicken parmesan!

One of Winston's favorite things to do when I drop him off is to run by the car yelling goodbye and "I love you!"
This morning he fixed his hair all by himself!  He was so proud!
Who is this big boy?! 

This week we ate an old favorite and discovered a new favorite too!
One of the days that had the cold weather we ate meatballs from Trader Joes with sauce and pasta - a tried and true goodie!
Then I made this Pilsbury Taco Ring... I highly recommend it if you're looking for a new twist for Taco Night!

Here's a few things that caught my eye while I was perusing the internets. πŸ˜‚
πŸ’šThis cute shift dress for summer
πŸ’šThis amazing blanket that would be perfect for a white elephant gift or a burrito lover!
πŸ’šThese adorable little bunny treats!  They look almost too cute to eat...almost.

Happy Weekend beautiful sunbeams!

Linking up today with: 
Friday Favorites with NarciErica and Andrea
High Five Friday with WhitneyBeckyDellaTif and Whitney.

1 comment :

  1. That picture of your son from the carpool line running next to the car is just priceless. Your pantry organization is AWESOME...a great way to start spring. Have a good weekend!


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