Here we go for our April update!
What We're Eating This Week
This week will be meal planning on the fly.
This month I made a few new things and all of them were keepers.
One of them was Shay's Chicken Enchilada Mac & Cheese! Everyone in the our family like it! #winnerwinner
We hit up MOD pizza quite a bit this month mainly because this tiny human loves it so much!
What I'm Reminiscing About
We had a great Easter weekend! In our neck of the woods the kiddos were off on both Friday and the Monday after. On Good Friday we headed to an outdoor pavilion for some worship and a message from Bob Goff.
Saturday morning we headed out to Benjamin's Aunt and Uncle's house for an egg hunt, Easter lunch and a treasure hunt!! The boys dug out some Confederate treasure complete with gold and silver!
Sunday we spent a quiet morning at home and then headed to church. Winston joined us in Big Service and did a fantastic job for his first time!After nap we headed to my brother's house for dinner, an egg hunt and an epic water ballon fight between the dads and the kiddos!
It's so nice that we are in close proximity to both sides of our family!
What I'm Loving
I have been wearing my Zella leggings quite a bit this month. They are super comfy, have great tummy control and wash really well!
Also this meme has been cracking me up π...
What We've Been Up To
This month we...
Ate ice cream!Wore really bright colors!
Celebrated Mee Maw's birthday with lunch and an egg hunt.
Winston started golf lessons!
Benjamin went all out in supporting Baylor!
We ate lots of breakfast for dinners! Including a night of pancakes where the kids requested their shapes: a zebra for Truman and a turtle for Winston. Mine was the I πbacon. No truer sentence spelled out in food. π
We had a family day at the zoo and fed the giraffes!
Our MOPs Leadership team blew up over 2,500 balloons for an Easter egg hunt...

...and we all lived to tell about it!
Truman got his face painted with a dinosaur.
Winston swam in freezing cold water and
went on his first school field trip!

We celebrated Easter!
What I'm Dreading
My to-do list before summer hits. π
What I'm Working On
My to-do list before summer hits. π
What I'm Excited About
All of the activities coming up in May!
What I'm Reading & Watching
Benjamin and I have continued to enjoy watching Whiskey Cavalier - seriously check it out if you are in the market for a cute, fun show to watch!
We also have been into the British dramas this month.
We started and finished The Bodyguard on Netflix.
It was intriguing and kept our attention! It is a little risque in a small amount of scenes and there are a few deaths but nothing overly gory.
Then we started and are in the process of watching Broadchurch. This can also be found on Netflix too!
What I'm Listening To
One afternoon in the car my phone was set to random playing songs deep from the depths of my music library. The Final Race from Starlight Express came on and both boys were into it!
Then on a longer car ride one weekend they requested the "train race!" I started it from the beginning and song by song explained the plot of Starlight Express, my favorite musical of all time. ππ
They now request their favorite songs, boo when Greaseball and CB try to cheat, get concerned when Pearl gets hurt and cheer for Rusty when he wins!
What is your favorite musical?
What I'm Wearing
I've been majorly rocking my carrot earrings this month!
And all my glasses. Mainly because it has taken me for.ever to order my contacts!
What We're Doing This Weekend
This weekend is a low key weekend for us. The past few have been full of good things and we're looking forward to a little down time before all of the things coming in May!
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
We will be away for a weekend with Benjamin's family; a trip to SeaWorld on the agenda!
We have a reunion with our Israel group!
My niece has her ballet recital.
Winston has Kinder graduation.
And most importantly...
What Else is New
In one month, we head to LONDON! It's one of my favorite places on the planet!
I am so excited to share it with the littles!
Happy Wednesday!!
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