Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Favorites: Bath Edition!

We've done it.  We made the jump from pajama wearing moof-muffins to functioning members of society waking in time for school, work and other commitments! 😂

One of my favorite things we did this week was an early morning showing of Spies in Disguise!  The kids woke up on their own and came down for some snuggles.  After about 5 minutes they asked to watch a show and I said, "Let's do something better and go see a movie!"  We packed our mini donut breakfast, order some Ice-ees and snuggled down to be entertained!  
The movie was super cute and there were lots of moments where we were all laughing out loud.  We are looking forward to when it comes out digitally as I'm sure it will be a favorite to rewatch when it does!

The day before school I took the buddies to get their haircuts.  It just slays my heart at how big these boys look after the get all spiffy!
Winston's lips are a little blue because after their haircuts they always get to pick out their favorite lollypop for a treat!

Since it was Winston's last free day before the new semester he picked to eat lunch at his favorite spot: McDonald's!  His favorite thing to eat is a cheeseburger and Truman's is chicken nuggets.
The first day back to school also fell on National Bubble Bath Day!  This was one of the days the boys picked to celebrate this month and it was perfect timing.  The first day back was an adjustment for us all so a nice relaxing bath was just what everyone needed!
I am a mom that falls into the "I love bath time" camp.  It is one of my favorite times of the day.  I love all the bath things!  When the Target Dollar Spot or Walmart's fun area has bath stuff, I grab that and stock up!  Some of my favorites are the soap pens, bath fizzes, bath water color changers, and bath bombs.  
Here are a few of our favorite bath time accessories!
  • Yokidoo Bath Toy: Stackable cups + Automated SpoutBoth of the boys love this toy!  It's great for playing with stacking cups, or giving all the things a bath!
  • Toomies Foam Cone Factory This toy has provided hours of fun for both of the kids.  They love creating bubble ice cream cones or using it as part of a car wash!
  • Hot Wheels Color Shifters: Multiple times a week the buddies ask for cups of ice so that they can play with the color changing cars in the bath tub.  It's their favorite to watch the colors change back and forth with the hot and cold water.  You can find these on Amazon or in the Hot Wheels section of Target & Walmart.
  • Crayola Bath Items:  Anything that Crayola makes for the bath falls into my favorites category!  They make the perfect items for baskets, stockings and birthday gifts.  One of my favorite things is to pack the bath pens or finger paints when we travel to give the buddies something to play with that I can then throw away and not bring home with us.  This set would be perfect for EasterSanta brought this set for Winston and he loved mixing the colors and creating potions.  
  • Mr. Bubble products are also another favorite in our house.  Their bubble bath is the bubbliest and we love their bath foam is always a big hit.  
  • Another favorite for at home and for travel is Lush's Rainbow Soap.  Not only does it get the buddies clean, it also turns the bath fun colors and also makes the bath a little bubbly!  The buddies love to create potions, make a car wash with it, paint the bath with it... their imaginations go wild!  A little bit of this goes a long way! 
Are you Camp Love Baths or Camp No Thanks?

Either way, I hope y'all have a fabulous weekend!  And in case you missed them, here the other posts from this week:

Linking up today with: 
Friday Favorites with NarciErica and Andrea
High Five Friday with WhitneyBeckyDellaTif and Whitney.


Comments are so fun! I love reading them all and respond to each one by email!