Tuesday, January 14, 2020

National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Today is National Dress Up Your Pet Day.  Bless Lulu and her sweet heart.  She has endured quite a few costumes over the years, not to mention loads of accessories, sweaters, dresses and jackets!  There was event a time when we tried to get her to wear doggie boots but she was not having any of that!

Her very first Halloween on earth was spent with us and we I dressed her up as a little angel! 😇😂
 Then there was the time that she and Jingle had matching Christmas outfits!
 Then there was the year that we dressed her up as a shark!  Isn't it just hilarious how cute she is?!
 She was going in for the kill {with kisses} obviously! 😗😂
 Then there was the time that I found a squirrel costume on sale for less than a dollar and made all my fall time dreams come true! 
When the buddies picked to participate in National Dress Up Your Pet Day, they knew exactly what they wanted to do.  Aunt Sam and Uncle Ben gifted the buddies and Lulu all that they needed in order to make a great Star Wars themed photo!   Winston said they he and Truman were guarding Princess Leia and it was important galaxy work! 
Lulu is the best little gal to sit still as long as the treats are flowing aplenty!  It's obvious from the pictures that Girlie has aged quite a bit; she's going on 12 years this summer.  I love it so much that the buddies picked this day to celebrate.  They love Lulu so much, it's precious.

Have you ever dressed up your pet?

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