Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What's Up Wednesday April 2020

April.  What a strangely beautiful and wildly weird month you were.  With COVID-19 closing down school buildings and businesses, we did our best to keep up with online learning and enjoy the breathing room this time has given us.  
What We're Eating
This month I made quite a few things for the first time like...
this Giant Cinnamon Roll!
 ...a loaf Banana Bread with this recipe from Two Peas and Their Pod.  Truman has asked me to make it again so that's a good sign of a tasty recipe!
And this Grilled Cheese + Bacon and Tomato Soup Bake.  Another winner with my family!
What I'm Reminiscing About
I'm just gonna leave this right here.  How tiny are these sweet faces?! 
What I'm Loving
Being homebodies!  Even though quarantine has us at times all going a little stir crazy... 😜
What We've Been Up To
Living the good life and doing all the home things.  Cleaning out closets, crafts, baking, school!, projects that start with "do you think this would be cool?" and end up with Benjamin cutting holes in sheet rock to create the boys a secret nook. 😂😍

Winston also made his first how to video and is quite proud of it!  If you've ever wanted to learn how to draw a Rowlet Pokemon, he is your guy!

What I'm Dreading
Benjamin has been off since the end of March and with the new order from the Governor this week he will be returning back to work on Friday.  It's not so much that I'm dreading it but we certainly have been spoiled having him home by lunch each day!  With the new order Texas will be re-opening slowly and I have mixed feelings.  I really have cherished having this time of having nowhere to be but at home.
What I'm Working On
I've been using this quarantine time to clean my grout!  I know, I know - how boring.  However, if you love that good clean feeling, I highly suggest you pick up a bottle of Grout-eez and get to it!
You can see all about my passion for grout cleaning on my Handy Tips highlight on my Instagram - @saracozad.
What I'm Excited About
Assuming all continues on the up and up, we will be heading on a family vacation in a few weeks!
What I'm Reading & Watching
I recently updated my 2020 book list and man, I'm happy to say I have exceeded my 2020 goal!
We've been watching some oldies but goodies on Disney+ like:
What I'm Listening To
We're all about the music in this house and soundtracks have been our jam!  If you need some new jams to listen to, these two albums come highly recommended from our little humans. 😍
Winston's favorite song is "Fly" and Truman's is "They Gotta Go".

Both of the buddies request "Just Sing" on the regular!
What I'm Wearing
This shirt speaks my truth and now lives in my closet! 😂 It's not a far stretch to say that we have been in comfy clothes or pajamas for most of this month!
What We're Doing This Weekend
A whole lot of nothing.  Maybe a puzzle.  Maybe some board games.  Definitely some sort of water activity and who knows, maybe even eating inside a restaurant! 
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month
The end of school!! 😂🙌

Joining up with Shay and Shaeffer!

1 comment :

  1. I have to say Disney+ has been the best investment we made this quarantine! I can't wait to get into some of the old school movies.


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