Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Family Scripture Memory Verse: Philippians 4:8

For 2019 we set a goal to learn a Bible verse every month as a family.  Benjamin and I want to be intentional about weaving God's word into our routines.  Also it's never too early or too late to start hiding God's word in the little buddies hearts.  We decided that at the end of each month if everyone can say the verse then we will all go out for an ice cream treat!  It's a reward that everyone can enjoy!

We're starting January with Philippians 4:8.
"Therefore brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."
With the new year, I liked how this verse tells us of the things we should be thinking on.  The things that we allow our mind to think about affects our moods, our behaviors and our actions.  It's not the simplest verse to learn, but I say go with gusto! 😂   

Growing up and even now, the best way I had found to memorize things was to put them to music {and if the song had hand motions, well, then bonus!}.  I remember learning Philippians 4:8 with a song when I was younger and through all of my internet searching could not find it.  However, I did come across Seeds Family Worship.  I was super excited when I found their upbeat song to learn the verse.  I downloaded the album, Seeds of Encouragement, from Apple music.

I also created a crossword puzzle with the key words of the verse.  You can download it here!  This was an activity more suited for Winston as he is learning to read and enjoys doing crosswords on the kid's menus when we go out to eat.  He and I sat down and did it together {along with Metalbeard ad his trusty shark 😂!}.
He sounded out the words and found all of them on his own!  This gave us an opportunity to talk about what the words mean.  Winston gave himself a 100 and drew a picture of himself celebrating while holding a pen and his crossword. 😂 He just cracks me up!
One afternoon I took pictures of the boys making different faces.  I originally wanted them to make thinking faces but they took things in a different direction. 😂
While they were one hour printing at CVS, I typed up the words of Philippians 4:8 in a font that the boys could color.  After school one day we sat down together and did a little crafting.  
As we colored the words we listened to our verse song and talked about what it means to think about these things as it says.  It was cute to hear what was in their list of things that are lovely, right and true.
We are in the habit of listening to our verse song each time we're in the car at least twice.  Each night at the dinner table we practice saying {or singing!} the verse, Benjamin and myself included.  So far we are all making great progress on memorizing Philippians 4:8 and I can't wait to celebrate with some ice cream!

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