Monday, July 5, 2010

6th Floor Museum

As part of our staycation, we decided to mark another item off of our bucket list: The 6th Floor Museum.

We walked around Dealey Plaza, enjoying the nice break from all the rain before we went into the Museum.

Along with our admission to the museum, we were given headsets and an audio tour.  The whole exhibit was put together well and was very interesting.  It started from the beginning of JFK's run for President all the way through the impact of his funeral on the world.  There were news reels to watch along the way as a break from the massive boards with photos and information.  It gave me a surreal feeling peering into the display of boxes that they had set up like Oswald had and then onto Houston Street as he had on that fateful day.  The whole exhibit was featured on the 6th floor with a photojournalism exhibit on the 7th floor.  Benjamin and I were both glad that we had made a point to visit the museum as part of our Dallas experience.

If you are planning on going sometime in 2010, be sure to print this coupon.  It give you $2 off admission and is good for up to 4 visitors.

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