Wednesday, August 28, 2013

GAPTAP: Frigerators

It's been a while since I've done a GAPTAP.  This weekend is Labor Day weekend and we are in the market for a new refrigerator!  The fridge that we purchased for our first home is now a garage fridge holding most of our beverages and a overflow for the freezer.  We did a quick pop into Best Buy earlier this week and was a little taken aback by the plethora of options out there!  

We've already decided that we want water and ice in the door and that's about it.  

How do you know what fridge is the best fridge for your lifestyle?!  What features are deal makers and deal breakers?


  1. Since we just purchased, I'll pipe in with my "penny."

    We had the french door refrigerator at our last house, and loved it aside from the "dump" that was the freezer. You literally just dumped things into it, not a lot of organization.

    With this fridge, I made sure to get the best of both worlds. I love the french door option gives us flexibility of having larger (meaning wider) items in the fridge, while I also love that the freezer has numerous storage options and not just a large basin.

    All of this to say...we like a lot of space and storage options. Sears had more options and a LOT lower prices ($1000 lower than best buy and home depot for the same fridge). I'd check them out for their Labor Day sales...we bought at a sale and delayed shipping until we were moved in (at least two months!). Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much for the information Katie!! We will hit up Sears for sure this weekend!

      Hope you are enjoying your new home!


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