Saturday, March 29, 2014

Retirement of Sorts

When Benjamin and I got married, I knew full well that I was signing up to support our family while he attended dental school and orthodontic residency.  After each move to a different city, God was faithful in providing me with great jobs.

This Monday I turned in my two weeks notice stating that I would be ending my career as a member of the Well Technology team at Hess.  While this decision took some by surprise, to others they knew it was just a matter of time.  

It has always been a goal of ours that I stay home with Winston when the time was right.  And now is that time!

Knowing that this decision was right around the corner for us, I started looking at my Fridays off through different lenses:  Could I stay at home with Winston day in and day out?  Would we be able to survive each other?  While depending on both of our moods and how the day's activities played out, there were times in the middle of it when I just wasn't sure... But at the end of the day when I was recanting Winston stories to Benjamin, I knew how much my heart desired to be with my little guy.

The decision to retire from the corporate world is a bittersweet one for me.  I am happy in my job; it challenges me daily.  I know that I add value on the projects that I am apart of.  I get a long with my boss and enjoy everyone on my team and the people I interact with daily.  I am well paid and have amazing benefits.  I mean, I don't have much to complain about when I only pay $2 for a large Starbucks cinnamon dolce latte!  

But put all of that against the cutest boy in my world and the decision is easy.  He wins every time.
Benjamin and I are thankful that we are able to make this transition to my staying at home.  It is not a decision we take lightly.  We know that there will be long days and tough days.  But the rewards that come will cancel those days out.  Even after turning in my letter, there were moments I doubted my decision.  I'm a people pleaser and I don't like disappointing or letting others down.  However every person has told me that I am making the best decision of my life.  And God, in his faithfulness, kept affirming again and again that this indeed is the right time.

Not only do I get to be with Winston {and Lulu!}, I am now able to relieve Benjamin of his morning caretaker duties.  Since the first day that Winston was in daycare, Benjamin has been the one to get Winston up, feed him breakfast, dress him and take him to school.  With me staying home, we all look forward to a new morning routine!   

Proverbs 31:15 says, She gets up while it is still night; she provides for her family...  While up until this point my getting up and taking care of my family has meant that I wake up at 4:30 and go to work, it will soon mean that I will get up and take care of them in a whole new way that I am excited to unwrap!  

In all of this, I am thankful for the career that I have had.  I never would have imagined that my resume would be peppered with a wide range of experiences.  Looking forward, I am super excited as to what the future holds for our family and the everyday adventures I get to have with my side-kick! 


  1. I'm so happy for you AND Winston! You are about to start the hardest job you will ever have - that of a stay-home mom. Did I mention that it will be the most rewarding thing you will ever do??

  2. Excited for you! I never thought I wanted to stay at home. I loved my job, I was good at it, etc - pretty much everything you mentioned. I'm so glad that God made that tough decision for me. There are times when I wished I worked in an office again, had that extra income, got to go to the bathroom alone, got to drink a whole cup of coffee that was hot, and got to go out to lunch with just adults. BUT, I am so happy that I get to stay home with my girls and I wouldn't trade it at all.

    You are right; it is a tough decision (either way). I often say that there is no "winning" once you're a mom; there is only doing the best thing you can for your little family (whether that's working or staying home). I know that you will be so pleased with this decision, that you will never regret it, and that God will continue to bless your family. :)


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