Friday, January 22, 2016

Five Things on Friday: 1.22.16

Here we have made it to Friday!  I am always amazed at how fast the week flies by.  It was a good week with a doctor's appointment, dinner with our new Sunday school, play dates at the park and friend's houses and snuggling time.  Can't forget the snuggling time!

one || evenings around the house
We are in the last weeks of life before Truman's arrival!  We have been trying to keep our week night {and most weekend} evenings low key.  Soaking up time just us three and Lulu before the routine that we have fallen into changes to adapt to the addition of another human!  Our evenings look at lot like this:  After dinner is all cleaned up, we gather in the living room to either play race cars or a ruckus.  Some nights we read books.  Some nights we go up stairs to build obstacle courses.  Some nights my legs become bridges and other nights I am a patient to his doctor.  I do know that no matter what it is we are doing, I desperately want my heart and mind to remember all of the ordinary moments of our together time.  It's being present with him.  Talking to him, giggling with him, imagining with him - my heart loves every moment and it makes it almost burst when I think about how amazing Winston is.   He is just so comical too! 

This week though he said the following while giving my mid-section a hug: 
"Truman!  I've missed you!  I thought you were going to be coming out!"  {two beats of a pause} "Noooooooo!  Not yet Truman! Stay inside!"  {launched into a fit of giggles!}
Benjamin and I just died in laughter!  I am very certain Winston has heard me tell people that we are okay for Truman to stay comfy inside until his due date!   Despite this funny outburst, he is quite looking forward to Truman joining our family!

two || breath-right strips
I have a love/hate relationship with these things.  I tend snore really loudly when I'm with child.  I think it just happens as it does when you grow a human!  I decided this week to try wearing them for the sake of my sweet husband who needed a good night of sleep.  While they seem to help, they  make my eyes water like crazy and really are a beast to take off in the morning.  Anyone else feel like they rip 17 layers of skin off of their face?!  The only up thing is that I purchased the lavender ones and so I at least drift off to sleep smelling something lovely!  The things we do for love!

three || valentine's sunnies
How adorable are these lip sunglass?!  They are perfect for Valentine's Day or heck any day!

four || friends
For whatever reason, when Friends first aired I did not watch it.  I remember my roommates in college watching it and catching the last season or two... I remember watching the final episode but the very first ones - never really watched or paid attention to them.  They came up as available to watch on Netflix so one day while I was ironing, I started the first episode... and now I'm hooked!  It's a great show to have on while cleaning up or ironing or even when I need to put my feet up to rest in the afternoon during nap time.  And I found out that Benjamin used to get together with a buddy to watch it! Any good show suggestions you have for me?  

five || Monster Jam
I am most excited about attending Monster Jam this weekend!  Our gift to Winston this Christmas was a remote control monster truck and tickets to Monster Jam.  This kid loves a monster truck!  And it will be our third year to take him!!  I drew up this countdown last Saturday and he has enjoyed marking off a number each day.  We also made sure that our ear protection was still up to snuff.... and it was, so we are good to go!

winston's favorite thing this week: pj masks
We discovered PJ Masks this week on Disney Jr. and the episode with the shrink ray and ninjalinos has been on repeat {only once a day though because...sanity}!  Winston has even been imagining to be Gekko when we're outside on the playgrounds and green is now his color of choice! 
Does your little get fixated on a specific show for a period of time?  

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: April | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife | Friday Favorites: AndreaErika and Narci

1 comment :

  1. Has he watched Blaze and The Monster Machines?!? On Nick/Nick boys are obsessed! Loving your blog :)


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