Sunday, March 10, 2019

10 on 10th

Today's ten on the tenth topic is 10 things you say every day on repeat.

1.  "Yes!"
A while ago I caught myself being in the rut of saying "No" a lot.  Especially for little things like: "Can I play with play doh?"  "Can we play Legos?"  "Can I color?"  "Can we do bubbles?" "Can we play a game?"  "Can I push a little cart?"  "Can we get a Starbucks treat?"  "Can I watch the fishies?"
And then one day it hit me; why can't they?  Why couldn't I say yes?  And so, I started to do so.  It might make the house a little messier, it might make errands run a little bit longer but it certainly makes all of us a little bit happier!

2. "No."
As a healthy balance, and as fulfilling my duties as a parent, it's important to also say no.  No you cannot have three bowls of gold fish for snack.  No you cannot have your passie right now.  No you cannot have ice cream for dinner.  No you cannot dump buckets of water out of the tub.

3.  "Sound it out."
We have a reader in our house!  Our goal is for Winston to read out loud to us for about 15 minutes a day, or the equivalent of two books.  As with any new reader, there are words that he is still learning and so we do a lot of sounding out the words.

4.  "Please...."
...put on your shoes."
...hurry up."
...brush your teeth."
...pick up that toy." your food."
...put your dishes away."
...don't put your feet on my head." 😂

5.  "Please don't pick your fingers."
Winston has unfortunately inherited my infinity for picking things.  And his poor finger nails are picked down to little nubs. 😭

6.  "I'm so proud of you!"
Words of affirmation is a major love language in our home.  I have realized that any time we can speak praise and encouragement over our boys, we have to do it.  We try to take a few minutes each night when tucking the buddies in {we divide and conquer!} to tell them how proud we are of them and mention things that they did that was caring or helpful.  Benjamin and I are also mindful to speak words of affirmation to each other too - it's good to show examples of being thankful for a dinner well cooked or a trash bag taken out!

7.  "On the bed or off the bed, no halvesies"
We have two TVs in our house: one upstairs in the family room and one in our master bedroom downstairs.  In the mornings or after school the kiddos like to curl up downstairs {and me + Lulu too!} to watch some shows.  Sometimes they hang off the sides in weird positions, thus on the bed or off the bed! 😂

8.  "How was your day?"
When all my people are gone for the day, I say this phrase three different times.  Each time is important and normally it is followed up with some additional questions about what they did and learned, who they saw.

8.  "Dear Lord, please..."
This one is more said in my head than out loud.  All day long I am praying for my husband, my kiddos, my family, friends and situations that I know need covered.  They are simple and short prayers.  They allow me to ask for protection, wisdom, courage, safety, whatever they need for the time that they're on my mind.

10.  "I love you!" 
It's the most important phrase.  It's the one that I say the most.  The most true thing that I never ever want my people to forget.

What is something you say every day on repeat?

January's 10 on 10

Linking up with The Bolin Bunch for the 10 on the 10th series! 
Next month is ten household tips.  This is one I'm going to have to think on; I'm not sure I have ten tips to share! 😂


  1. I've been working on saying YES more often and I'm hoping my kids notice. I'm like you and got into the habit of saying no to messy things. I end up saying... use your words, what was the best part of your day, let me tell you your options, do you need to go potty and time to clean up all day long.

  2. I started noticing a few years ago how often I was saying no and decided that a lot of the time I really could have been saying yes and have been more conscious about saying yes more often too.


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