Sunday, October 24, 2010

saturday adventure day

The realization that this was our last unplanned weekend until Christmas occurred to Benjamin and I when we were at dinner on Friday night.  It's all good stuff that we have going on between now and then - interviews, visitors, weddings, graduations, parties!

While thumbing through my Budget Travel magazine, I read the article Rediscovering Dallas.  In the article it talked about the Bishops Arts District.  Since  we hadn't ever been before, Benjamin and I popped into Blue Barry and headed down to Oakcliff to walk around in the rain.

Our first stop was Fete-ish, a cute little shop stuffed wall to wall with original paintings, knick-knacks, and fun gifty things.  We picked up a cute painting that we are going to get framed.  We ate at Eno's Pizza, which was delish!  We ate Eno's Original complete with tomatoes, salami, garlic and peppers.  It was the most flavorful pizza I have ever eaten.  For dessert we headed to Tillman's and shared their Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookie Tower.  The banana ice cream was outstanding!

Our Saturday adventure wrapped up with Benjamin and I sitting on the couch watching Iron Man 2.  I am thankful for days like these and look forward to the weekends that we have coming up!

Eno's Original Pizza!
Coffee at Tillman's... the milk is in a cow!
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookie Tower!!

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