Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And the results are in...

The number of interviews and cities that were travelled to:

The number of schools attending:

We found out this morning that Benjamin has been accepted to the Orthodontic residency at University of Texas in HOUSTON!

Our first reaction was a crazy mess of jumping, cheering, and crying.  Our second was to huddle together and praise Jesus for this awesome blessing!  Little Lulu was confused as to what to think because then we were on the phones calling parents back to the excited stage!

All day today my emotion has been one of thankfulness and to be honest, I have been overwhelmed by the Goodness of God.  It was our heart's desire to return to Houston and it was Benjamin's first pick.  The fact that God chose to bless us with this amazing opportunity just blows my hair back!

We know that Benjamin's classes will start the first part of July and that he will graduate in 2013!  Over the next few weeks we will be putting together a timeline and continuing to seek God's direction for the move.

But for now....we are still celebrating that we are going to ORTHO SCHOOL!!!


  1. Woohoo! We are praising God, too! So happy for you guys! :)

  2. Congratulations!!!!!! God is Good!!! :)

  3. I guess I still can't believe it! Too good to be true - God has done so many great things for our family this year! Exciting times are ahead......MOM/MIL

  4. How exciting! You will be missed here in the Big D, but what a blessing to be closer to family!


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