Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Packages and other things.

Have I said enough how much I just adore this Christmas season?!  It truly is my favorite time of the year!  Benjamin and I have been doing loads of online shopping this year.  I mean with no tax and all of the awesome free shipping discounts, why not?  AND, it means you will come home to mounds of packages outside your door!

I just love opening packages!

Today the FedEx man brought giftees as well as our Christmas cards!  Tonight I will be stationed with pen in hand to start addressing envelopes and licking stamps.  Or sticking stamps actually.  Thank the Lord for sticky stamps.

Even though all of this Christmas cheer is going on internally, if you were to come visit our house right now you would think we were Scrooges!  We don't have 1 stitch of Christmas out besides the Lego Christmas village that is in pieces on our kitchen table.  It's currently a work in progress...

Hopefully this weekend we will have time to catch our breath, get down ornaments, wrapping paper and Christmas dishes so that our home can match the same amount of Christmas bliss we feel on the inside!  Any one else decorating a little slower this year or is it just me?

C'mon weekend, c'mon!

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