Monday, September 19, 2011

One More Week

It seems like just yesterday that I was saying my good-byes to The Web and those I worked with to start the transition of moving to Houston.  
That was April 15th.

In the following months I have packed a house, moved, unpacked a house and gotten settled into a routine of making Houston home once again.  Knowing that I would find a job here was always part of our plan. We just weren't sure what that job would look like.  Once our internet was finally hooked up, the search was on.  I made a list of sites to check each day and set goals for myself.  

Then the unexpected.  
A family friend asked if I would send my resume in for him to review, to see if there would be a fit.  That led to a two hour conversation about an open position followed by an interview with a few folks that he worked with.  Weeks after the interview I received a call offering me a job to which I gladly accepted!  After hearing that I had passed the drug test (whew!) and background check, I was given a start date of Monday, September 26th.  
Next Monday.

When we started this transition I thought that I would have started work by at least the beginning of August.  I'm not complaining in the slightest - I have loved every minute of being home.  I have been able to spend precious time with Mom and Salem, with Lulu and with Benjamin.  I was able to visit Dallas, go to San Antonio with Benjamin and travel to Pittsburgh with the girls without having to worry about vacation days.  I have been able to settle into the house, experiment with new meals, do a few crafty projects.  I was able to host a meal for Benjamin's family and have folks over for this and that.  And while I know that these things won't stop when I start working, it was nice to have a glimpse of what life after orthodontic graduation will hold!  

I'm not sure why I get surprised at how impeccable God's timing is.  Over and over again I find myself in awe of how He orchestrates all details to work out.  For His glory.  While I my heart is a little sad to not be able to be at home with Lulu or even come home for lunch, my heart is excited and looking forward to going with Jesus on this next step of life.  I am hopeful that this next stage will be one of growth.

While I'm excited for a new adventure, I will be missing this little girl like crazy...
She is my sweet lap lump.  Don't worry, we have found her a friend who will be coming every afternoon to break up her day and let her out to chase squirrels.

So.  The job.  I will be working for An Oil Company who has an office right across the street from Discovery Green less than 20 miles from the house.  I will have a 9/80 schedule giving me every other Friday off!  I will be working in the Global Drilling and Completions department and I will be a Planner.  What does a Planner do?  Great question.  I'll be able to give more details after next week!

The next few days will be spent enjoying the freedom of grocery shopping in the mornings, snuggling with Lu at 7 am and having dinner ready for when Benjamin comes in from a long day in the clinic.  And praising God for the time off, for the job and the new stage to come!

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