Sunday, September 16, 2012

Halloween Candy Review: Cadbury Screme Eggs!

Welcome to a new segment on Crazy Cozads where I will unveil the awesomeness of the new Halloween candy for this season!  Here's the first one:

Friends!  I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was when I saw a post on our friend, Tally's facebook about the possibility of Cadbury Screme Eggs coming to the US for this Halloween season!  I love Cadbury Creme eggs!  Like love them!!  Also imagine my excitement when I rounded the corner at Target to see THIS:
I am fairly certain that a squeal escaped from my lips while I did a little jig in the middle of the aisle!  I of course followed that up with texts to both my Mom and Benjamin!  Then came the dilemma.  How many do I buy?  It wouldn't be right of me to buy the whole display, nope ...I needed to leave some for the other folks who would also be elated about this fall time candy debut!  So, I grabbed a handful and headed away from the display eager to get home to enjoy my first screme egg!
 Don't they look absolutely glorious in their fabulous purple and green wrapping?!  
So I unwrapped one and it looked the same as the original Cadbury Creme egg. 
Then the inside!  Instead of the normal yellow yoke filling, there was a bright green filling that oozed from the middle of the white center!  The creme had definitely gone GREEN!!  If you are a Cadbury Creme egg fan, then this treat is perfect for you!  So head to Target, grab yourself a handful... or two and celebrate the beginning of fall and the Halloween candy season!  If you need a good dentist after eating all of this year's candy...let me know, we can recommend a few good ones!

And just for kicks, if you have a Screme Egg sighting in your area, post a comment!  I'd love to see where they pop up at.

Confirmed sighting: Pearland, TX: Target

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