Saturday, October 12, 2013

Reflections of Thankfulness: September

September was a big month for us: We closed on our Spring house and made the move!
  1. Baby giggles
  2. Lulu bunny hops
  3. Miguel and the CenterPoint Energy guy who got the electric meter in at the 11th hour
  4. Breakfast dates at IKEA
  5. That everyday minus three or four, Benjamin has been able and willing to take Winston to daycare
  6. Vacation days off of work
  7. Movers and their strength
  8. Quick and easy closing
  9. Our new home
  10. Our old home and the amazing landlords we had the opportunity of renting from for over two years
  11. God's grace and amazing timing 
  12. Swings
  13. Extra crispy fries
  14. Car insurance to repair windshield rock dings
  15. Ice cream family nights
  16. Having the opportunity of dedicating Winston to the Lord
  17. The anticipation of fall 
  18. Change
  19. Visits from Aunt Deborah and Ray
  20. Days when I can stay at home and cuddle with a sick Winston
  21. Sweet singing coos as tired baby falls asleep
  22. The mess of toys in my living room
  23. Boxes
  24. The hands that built our house
  25. Mexican food
  26. Dinner dates with my Winston buddy
  27. Two cars that are in excellent working order to drive us back and forth to work
  28. Miss Alex and Kids R Kids Pearland
  29. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
  30. Great evening weather

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