Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kids Behind the Blog: February's Interview

Crystal from Hall Around Texas, along with a few other fantastic ladies, came up with a fun idea to interview the Littles with different questions each month.  I love capturing and storing up the things that Winston says so this captured my attention!  

Without further adieu, here is February's Interview!

1.  Where is your favorite place to go?
Donut Palace, because I get to buy donuts there!  I like chocolate sprinkled and you like pink sprinkles and a kolache, Mommy.  And Daddy likes the big cinnamon donut!
2.  Who is your best friend?
Mommy, you are my best friend!  And Devin too because we both like Lightening McQueen.
3.  If you could be a superhero, what would your super power be?
I think I don't want to fly in sky!  I think I would want to run really, really fast like a race car!
4.  What is your favorite candy?
Gummy worms!!
5.  Who is your Valentine?
Taylor because she loves me and plays with me all of the time, Mommy! 
  The next link-up date is on March 9th!  Will you join in?  


  1. Ooh donut palace sounds amazing! And how sweet that you are his best friend... But not his Valentine lol? Thanks for linking up!

  2. Oh my word! How precious is he? I love how detailed his answers are. And I am swooning over that picture of him. Thank you for linking up with us sweet friend.

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