Friday, April 1, 2016

Five Things on Friday: 4.1.16

I've been celebrating my birthday this week.  Thirty three!  Last year was an eventful one: we became partners in a business, purchased land to build a new office and had a beautiful healthy Truman join our family!  I wrote a post containing thirty three things about me.  This year has been off to a great start {complete with a Blue Man Group show!} and I am eager to see what the next 364 days have in store.  

Truman and I made it to my six week postpartum check up.  I don't know about you, but I am never sure what to wear on my feet when I go to the lady doctor.  They always get cold when I take my shoes off.  And with me being over due for a pedicure and not wanting to horrify Dr. Bobo, I took along some socks.  If you notice, they are the same socks but in different colors!  No matter, my feet were warm and there were no screams.  And the check up went well too!  Until next year, sweet Bobo!

I'm excited to announce that I am part of the Wild & Free book launch!  Written by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan, this book is written to encourage women to be bold in who God created them to be.  It is "a hope filled anthem for the woman who feels she is both too much and never enough."  It is available on May third.  I will be sharing my favorite parts of the book as I read through it!  And this is my new favorite way to read a book... with a stack of hot, crispy fries!  Ha ha!

Truman continues to be a lovable little bundle!  He eats well and sleeps well.  He is starting to coo and make faces and smile when we talk to him.  He loves Winston and moves his head to get a better look at him.  We have been working on our tummy time and for the most part he doesn't mind it.  Although the other morning he was most content to just lay there and snooze!  

I actually wrote quite a few posts this week.  Did you catch my What's Up Wednesday post?  What are some of your favorite link-ups to be a part of?  

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: April | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife | Friday Favorites: AndreaErika and Narci

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