Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello Again!

Doesn't it seem like life just gets away?  I mean, where does time go?  It seems like just yesterday we were home in Houston playing with Lulu in the swimming pool!  
Since that time I attended a wedding shower for Samantha.
We went and saw the Blue Man Group with Beazley in honor of Benjamin's birthday.
My Grandparents came into town.  Mom brought them to visit us in the Big D.  Noah and Salem popped in for dinner.  We went to the Heard Museum and also to the Plano Balloon Festival.
We went to a fancy dinner for a school event.
We saw Shrek.
And we went to the State Fair!
Whew!  I'm tired...  The next few weeks will be crazy but enjoyable as we are heading into interview season for Orthodontic residencies!  We will keep you posted, dear reader on what where we are and how things are going!

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