Sunday, October 24, 2010

Interview Update

Last night Benjamin and I realized that it had only been one week since we dropped Lulu off in Houston to stay with my folks while we traveled around for interviews.

Only one week!

This past week has been quite a busy one for us.  Starting last Thursday...  Benjamin and I drove to Houston so that he could attend his first orthodontic residency interview!  Thursday night's dinner went very well and that momentum carried into Friday's interview with the different panels.  Benjamin felt confident that all went well in Houston and that makes waiting until December 2nd even harder!

Saturday we drove from Houston, to Dallas so that we could pack with enough time to get to the airport to fly to Kansas City, MO.  We were able to have all day Sunday to sightsee and check out some neighborhoods around the school.  I totally geeked out with excitement because we were able to see Hallmark headquarters!

The interview process in Kansas City was insightful.  Not being from there, Benjamin was able to get a good feel of the program and residents that currently attend there.  We left Kansas City with a confirmation of where to rank it in our order of preferences.

We arrived back in Dallas on Monday night late.  Tuesday involved us going to back to work and to patients.  That evening we packed Benjamin so that he could get up and head to San Antonio Wednesday morning.  Things at work were quite hectic so we decided that I would stay home instead of trying to work remotely from a La Quinta.  The interviews at San Antonio also affirmed their position on our list.

Last week God was present in the interview process - giving Benjamin clarity of mind, allowing him to be confident in the answers he gave as well as forming good impressions with the residents and interviewers.  He has blessed us with safe travel, wisdom and restful sleep.

This week Benjamin has his Dallas interview and we will be traveling to New Orleans!

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