Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Eve of Christmas Eve

Today was the day before Christmas Eve.  My husband greeted me this morning with a "Happy Christmas Eve Eve Day, Wifey!"

I love my husband because he knows how nuts I am for Christmas and embraces me.

The love I have for Christmas comes honestly.  My mom is the same way.  There is something about Christmas that just causes me to dance ridiculously around the kitchen to carols while "baking" baby cupcakes.

I believe that the crazy-love I have is an overflowing of the excitement of knowing the true meaning of Christmas.  There is something so humbling about the realization that my Jesus was born into this world, lived a perfect life of example and died for me so that I may live in Him.  The Ultimate Gift.

It's just extraordinary.

Tonight before dinner Noah picked up my camera and started snapping photos.  With Noah, you never know what you are going to find pictures of on your camera.  Growing up it was pictures that looked like this:
This is a self portrait of Noah and his finger after he got it caught in his gas tank in Tyler.  That's a gross story for another time.

Here are a few from today:
This one didn't turn out half bad...  Note the new haircut!  It was time for a change.
No, Dad is not sticking his head into the ferns...he is checking to make sure his frogs are still living...  Thanks for this memory, Noah.
Noah's mad camera skills coupled with my Dad's awesome crazy eyes makes for great pictures like this that we will be able to use for Dad's 80th birthday party some day.
And of course, we had to get one of Noah doing what Noah does best... torturing poor Lulu.  It's no wonder that she barks at you!
Mom and Jingle-Jangle.  Noah didn't take this.  I did.

I will say though, this one did turn out quite lovely!  Thanks Noah!

Happy Christmas Eve Eve Everyone!

1 comment :

  1. Sara, your joy brings joy to me too. Thank you for sharing.


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