Friday, January 25, 2013

Give-A-Way: Felted Bible Characters!

One of the things I am looking forward to as Winston grows, is the telling and re-telling of Bible stories and him understanding the stories and asking for them again and again!  I was super excited when my Mom showed me these adorable felt Bible characters!  They are soft, adorable and will be perfect for Winston to play with while he learns the classic stories we all love so much!
And because they are just fabulous and fun, I decided that this colorful, well made set of characters could be yours, dear reader!!

These little guys measure between 3" to 8.5" wide by 5" to 8" high making them a good size for little hands to hold and play with.  The details are amazing on each character.
 Kiddos can admire Joseph's cool colored coat or play with Jonah and the whale!
Take the wee ones on the journey with Moses as he walks through the Red Sea and watch their faces as they are amazed at the miracle of Jesus and the feeding of the 5,000.
Mesmerize their little ears and watch them cheer David on in his fight against Goliath!

To enter the give-a-way, you can do one or all of following - Remember, the more you do, the more entries you have in the drawing to win!

1. Follow my blog and leave a comment saying that you do!
You have to be a follower of our blog through Google Friend Connect or "like" us on facebook by clicking here.  You must be a follower of one of those two in order to win.  Tell me where you follow & double entries if you follow both!
2.  Leave a comment telling me what your favorite Bible story is!
3. Post this give-a-way on your blog or facebook!
Once you have, let me know by leaving a comment - double entries for both!

You could potentially have up to 6 entries in this giveaway!
Post the picture below when you share!
This giveaway will end on Saturday, February 2nd at midnight.
Winner will be announced Sunday, February 3rd!

Thanks for entering and good luck!!


  1. I follow your blog, my favorite Bible story is the story of Hosea, & I shared this link on facebook.
    Amy Ratliff

  2. Wow! Totally following you now. No idea you had this! Liked you on Facebook.

    Favorite Bible story: The Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Zilpah, and the other one love polygon... Do you have Bible characters to tell that story??

    Just kidding. :) My favorite story is the man who tells Jesus, "I do believe... Help me in my unbelief!" Gets me every time. So much depth in that sentence.

  3. My favorite bible story is still Jesus turning water into wine. His first miracle.

  4. I love these!!!! I follow your blog :)

  5. My favorite story (right now) is the birth of Jesus. Bryson is still SO into that story from Cristmas and we read it/talk about it every day! He keeps telling me that Jesus was special and got to sleep in the manger and Emily and madelynn are just babies and they have to sleep in a crib :)

  6. My favorite bible story right now is Daniel and the Lions Den, but that's pretty much just because Naomi asks for that one on a regular basis. Although, I like Jeanine's thinking on the wine business and Kristen and Bryson have me chuckling.

  7. My favorite bible story is david and goliath!!


Comments are so fun! I love reading them all and respond to each one by email!