Thursday, October 31, 2013

Our Little Bug

We have called Winston our little Love Bug since day one.  Not sure why, we just have.  Most days we shorten it to just calling him Bug.  And, for better or worse, it is a name that has stuck between Benjamin and I.  We refer to him as Bug when speaking about his morning on the phone, or if he's napping or just telling exciting stories about his day.  He is our sweet little bug!  

At the beginning of the month when all of the Halloween costumes start popping up, I had expressed interest in getting Winston some sort of bug costume.  We looked at a few of the magazines that came our way but never put any real effort into buying anything... mainly because he wouldn't quite yet be old enough to grasp the magic of the phrase "Trick or Treat!"   

We quite happily went through the rest of the month thinking he'd wear one of his cute festive shirts and have no need for a costume.  Until that fated day when the School declared that they were having a costume parade and party!  "No worries," I thought, "I have that monkey costume that I bought before there was even a thought of a Winston...surely that will fit."  Later that night I pulled the costume out of the closet and alas, it was too small.  About 5" too small. go on the monkey.  

As it would turn out, the next day I was out and about running errands with Mom when we wandered into Pottery Barn Kids and saw the cutest spider outfit I ever did see... and for $8!!  I snatched it up and was so excited to get home to see how Winston would like it.  

The next day we tried it on and I declared he was THE cutest spider ever to be created!  He wore his costume like a champ in the parade and again tonight while we sat outside with the neighbors and handed out candy.

You don't have to take my word for it - see for yourself!
 He just slays me!
 I'd like to smother this spider with cuddles!

Benjamin dressed up in his trusty mullet and Van Halen t-shirt today.  At first Winston wasn't quite sure about the wig...and then he realized it indeed was his Daddy!
Happy All Hallows' Eve from our family to yours!

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