Monday, April 21, 2014

First week: A success!

Y'all, last week was my first true week of staying at home full time with Winston.  The first week I was celebrating my Grandma's 80th birthday in Ohio with the ladies of the family, Winston finished out his last week at Primrose and we geared up for the next week.

I can without a doubt say that I love being at home with Winston!   It has been a great week full of play time, of learning new words, of having home cooked meals each night (!!), of lots of hugs and Luli kisses, of a few tears and lots of giggles! 
My breakfast routine has changed quite a bit!  I have gone from catching up with Ellen over coffee and a muffin to eating waffles and fruit with Buddy and Elmo.  Plus Lulu always get a little bite of whatever it is that we're munchin!  I don't always get to finish my cup of coffee, but that's usually because we're off to build block towers.
We stepped out of our comfort zone this week by heading to the zoo for a "Mommy and Me" outing with folks from the church.  There were two gals and their precious littles from the Sunday school class we're visiting who also went.  We ate lunch with them, starting those first steps of forging new relationships.
Although I love nap time and am thankful Winston loves to sleep, I get excited when I hear that my little buddy is awake!  This is one of my favorite times: getting him out of his crib and ready for the next adventure of the day.  

We are both excited to see Benjamin in the evenings when he gets home.  They play while I finish dinner, we eat together, play some more, bubble bath time and then bed!  Benjamin and I get to have time together to catch up on our day and when I lay my head on the pillow I am happy and tired.  I am thankful that we are able for me to stay home with Winston.  He is so fun, so comical!  I know that each week will hold joys and challenges of their own.  I am eager and excited to face them and embrace them as they are days that go by so fast! 

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