Monday, February 16, 2015

Meal Planning in Reverse.6

I hope that you had the best time celebrating Valentine's Day with your favorite people!  We had a fun day of exploring Houston, napping and being moors at home.  A wonderful way to spend the day!  Wishing you a wonderful week!
Pei Wei Take Out

Udi's Lasagna, honey cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes, and garlic bread
{I really like sweet potatoes.  Winston really likes sweet potatoes.  Benjamin...not so much.  Imagine my delight when I came across this recipe!  I figured it would be a win with ingredients like honey and cinnamon.  Sure enough, I was told they were yummy and I could add them into the mix of side dishes!  Hooray!  The recipe is quick, easy and delicious!}

Trader Joe's Halibut, Buffalo macaroni and cheese, broccoli

Chicken Fries, chips and fruit

Foundation Class Social - Potluck
Winston and I made Chocolate Covered Wafer Cookies.  He was aces as being my sprinkle dipper and making them reminded me how much I love a fresh wafer cookie!

Heart shaped pizza from Papa John's!

Breakfast for Dinner


  1. ooh I'll have to try that sweet potato recipe. I'm in between with sweet potatoes. Definitely depends on the method. But baked then topped with bbq shredded chicken is hands down my fave way to do it. yummy.

  2. Oh how I wish there was a Pei Wei remotely close to us! The closest one is like almost an hour away. Bummer. And chocolate covered wafer cookies? Yum! Winston is so precious helping you with them!


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