Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Monster Jam 2016

By now, you may know that my little family has been known to love a good night of loud noises, crazy stunts, and car crushing known as Monster Jam!  To prepare for our event, we made a countdown to the big day where Winston excitedly crossed off the numbers each day!  
And the night before he wore his special monster truck jammies.  As we tucked him into bed that night he told us: "I get to have ice cream and see monster trucks!  It's the best day of the year!!"  The next morning he woke up ready to do nothing to talk about monster trucks and who he was going to see there!  He played with his trucks while we got ready for church creating an obstacle course where they could smash into other cars!
We opted to attend the Pit Party and booked it downtown after church eating a snack in the car and basically surrendering any hope of a nap.  Winston was just too excited!  When we got there we saw Monster Mutt, Ice Cream Man, Sonva Digger and his favorite Grave Digger!
Winston brought his very own Grave Digger along with us to the event and was super pumped when he saw that a little dirt pile had been set up for wee ones to play with their trucks in.  As is customary for Winston, he was very cautious to stay mostly clean and when he was done playing was quite concerned about how Grave Digger was going to get clean!  
We had some time to kill between the Pit Party and the start of the show, so back into WAC enjoyed a "mini-nap" as he says while riding on Benjamin's back.  We love having the Ergo Baby for when we attend events in large venues.  It's way easier to use than a stroller and it ensures that Winston is right with us when we are walking through parking lots and won't get lost in the crowds.  
After grabbing a bite to eat and resting for a wee while, we headed to our seats to get ready for the big show!
One of the very first races was between two of Winston's favorite monster trucks: Grave Digger and Ice Cream Man.  It was so fun to see him enthralled with the racing, the donut competition, and the freestyle sections of the show.
The big surprises of the night were when Monster Mutt caught on fire during his round of the donut competition and when Sonva Digger completely drove his car into pieces and caught on fire as a "grand finale" of sorts for his freestyle run!
Then came the ice cream! :)
...and more jumps and flips!
We all had a fabulous time for our third year at Monster Jam!  Even Truman was quite active during our time at NRG Stadium.  Next year will be even more fun have with our two little guys!!
{My two best guys}

You can read about our other Monster Jam Adventures:
Year One
Year Two

Have you ever been to Monster Jam?  Is it something you'd ever do some day?


  1. Monster Jam is one of our favorite events! Or, it was. We went 3 years in a row, but skipped last year. It's at our big stadium (Dallas Cowboys) and it got to be so huge that it's almost a pain to go. The traffic and the parking situation is less than fabulous and that makes me sad. We might have to give it another chance this year. These pictures are great and looks like you all had a great time!

  2. These pictures are so great! Hope you will like aura rose quartz tower that we send to you as a gift.


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