Friday, April 8, 2016

Five Things on Friday: 4.8.16

It's amazing that Friday is here already!  Winston has been under the weather this week and while he was home from school every day, the week certainly went by quickly!  The highlights of the week involve lots of snuggle and show time, a trip to Target, a run to Starbuck's and Truman sleeping six hours straight!  Low points include Lulu eating one of Truman's leather shoes.  Also yesterday was like poo-splosion city over here between Winston, Truman and Lulu!  #usethepoopurri #lightacandle #usethebathroomfanpronto

one || Birthday Celebrations
Last week I celebrated my thirty-third birthday with a trip to Chicago and an ice cream cake with my favorites!  I absolutely love this picture.  I feel like it says a lot about our world.  We love to be silly, we laugh full out and we are constantly moving!  Winston and I were giving a high five when his entire arm landed in the cake!  Giggles ensued!

two || Scott Sterling
Benjamin and I spent about 25 minutes last night full on belly laughing at this video.!  Sure, physical comedy pretty much always makes me laugh but it's the commentators that had me in stitches and tears!

three || caramelized honey frappe 
My tastebuds have declared this my springtime drink!  

four || the boys
I mean.  It's just amazing how the bonds between siblings form.  Winston loves Truman.  I mean loves him.  He is always wanting Truman to sit next to him.  He loves kissing him and I actually mean smothering him with kisses!  His other favorite activity is rubbing Truman's head.  I'm not sure where he got it from but since day one Winston has rubbed Truman's head.  A soft, sweet pat-rub.  Winston is quick sing to him or shush him.  Winston will ask Truman if he wants to watch a show with them and then in a high pitched voice {which is meant to be Truman's} answer the question and then proceed to tell me that Truman wants to watch a show/play with Playdoh/go outside too!  On the flip side, when Truman hears Winston's voice he turns his head, coos and smiles!  And those baby smiles are just precious!!

five || locked in
Have you heard of these escape rooms?  Where you are locked in a room with a group of people and you have to work together to get out?  It reminds me of a TV show I watched with my family called Crystal Maze. Contestants are locked in rooms and they have a certain amount of time to solve puzzles and collect a crystal!  Once the crystal is collected the group moves on to the next room!   Here's the first episode!  {I completely squealed in excitement when I saw they were on You Tube.  What is not on You Tube?!}

This weekend we going to voluntarily lock ourselves in one of these rooms and try our hand at solving clues in a not your average history mystery!  We are doing it with friends and I am super pumped!  


  1. Those sweet faces and smiles are adorable! Sorry Winston wasnt feeling great. That's no good. I have heard of those rooms. Actually through the show @ Broke Girls. Sounds like a good time. Have fun!

  2. I hope Winston is feeling better! Mason was sick last week with Strep, so we had lots of snuggling time too! That Frap sounds amazing and now I am trying to plan an escape to Starbucks. Haha. And those pictures of the boys together just melt me! How precious are they?! I’ve heard of those escape rooms and have been trying to decide if it’s something that I would enjoy or something that would give me an anxiety attack!

  3. I have heard about these places where you are locked in. There is one here in NH called "The Great Escape." Sounds fun in theory but I am afraid I would panic- hate being stuck anywhere! ha ha!!


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