Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bolivia Preview

It's been over a week since Benjamin returned from Bolivia.  He is back in the swing of things with 4th year having started while he was away.  He hasn't had the time yet to edit all of his pictures or even to load the video footage he shot while in Quesimpuco.  Here are a few of my favorite ones as a preview to when we get them all uploaded for you to view at your own leisure!

This is how the team was greeted when they finally arrived to the village!

Benjamin administering a shot before pulling a tooth.

Getting presented with a traditional hat and scarf!  LOVE the hat!

This is the waiting area...and yes, that is a baby goat you see in her lap!

1 comment :

  1. What an amazing opportunity and experience. I am so thankful that they are back safe! I love the pics and the story. Sounds so wonderful!


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